A Bit of Snow Here Too!

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Well, as forecast, we had a bit snow here too, It was just flurries of tiny hailstones at first, last night but then it got going properly later on.
I was lying festering in bed this morning, as the "young un"set off for school, I decided to get up and out and take myself for another tootle.
I had just tipped out, when the youngster came back, saying that the school was shut!
You know, I can't remember a single time, when I was a kid (and we had proper snow 35 years ago:rolleyes:) when the school closed because of the snow:confused:

Anyway, it just meant that I had a bit of company on my wander;)

The first give away was the snow coming through the garage door!
Then as we set off, I took this one of the back gate

We were caught in a mini white out as we set off across the fields towards the golf course and woods;

one minute it was reasonable, next this:

It was pretty bleak and blowing hard, till we got into the shelter of the woods again.

Then we made our way across the top of the hill, onto the Chopwell road;
It was wild up here, although there were still a few folk out on the roads

I took a few bits of video of the howling gale and blizzard but I still can't figure out how you get them onto the bucket:rolleyes:
anyway, we made our way back, down the road and it stopped snowing for a bit;

but the next load wasn't far away;

We were just about home by the time it started honking again;

A hot drink and some dry trousers seemed to fit the bill nicely, and then I made some more bread! This time it was laced with parmezan and sun dried tomato flakes;)
It's belting down again now but the wind has eased so it's not drifting at the moment.

Wherever you are; stay warm and stay safe:)


On a new journey
Jan 4, 2007
West Midlands
Nice pics RB, keep yourself safe also, just got to make the 1.5 hour journey home tonight :D, till i can fire up the 4x4 parked in the station car park.


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