A bit of a request...


Full Member
Feb 13, 2010
Hello all.

I'll cut to the chase to save you reading the whole thing if this isn't relevant, and then give some detail.
Mods I apologise and please delete, if this goes against the rules.
I am looking for anyone who works for a big company or owns a business or is just feeling generous, that would be willing to sponsor my University Rifle Club, in order for it to be able to keep shooting.

I am the secretary of the Warwick University Rifle Club. We are a reasonably small club with approximately 60 members, who compete in small bore target rifle competitions, as well as participating in other small and full bore target shooting within the club or at ranges across the UK and Europe. The club also caters for airguns and we are gradually expanding in this area. We are also affiliated with the larger Coventry “Jaguar Rifle Club” , sharing resources and our range, and for NSRA affiliation.

As a student (and university staff) only club, a large portion of our funding comes from the student’s union sporting body (Warwick Sport), which our members pay to join. As you can appreciate, the club doesn’t have a large amount of money, but we usually manage to cover our annual costs (gun maintenance, range costs, equipment, affiliation, and insurance) using our limited funds. Unfortunately, this coming academic year, our funds have been cut by the student’s union and we are short of covering our costs by £200. Without this money the club could not function and may have to cease shooting. This is where we would like your help.

We are appealing for any business or individual that would be willing to sponsor our club, and enable us to continue enjoying our sport. In return for your assistance we could offer publicity of the business, through distributing promotional materials and branding on our club kit. This would advertise to our members, the over 20,000 strong student body, and the wider shooting community at all the ranges we shoot at domestically and on trips in Europe. We would also be willing to listen to any suggestions you had as a business or individual, so that we can benefit you, in return for your funding.

Thank you very much if you have read to the end of that.
I look forward to reading any replies and answering any questions, via PM or on the board.



Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Dan, I'm going to copy this thread into Fair Game too, and see if we can help reach a wider audience who are maybe focused on the subject.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.