Yeah, I remember that! I've no idea what we called it though. Great fun, until my mother rushed out, confiscated all our knives and phoned everyones parents.Goose said:We called it "split your kipper", if I remember you had to move your foot to where knife stuck in, then take it turns,if knife didnt stick in ground you had to put your own foot to it, so causing you to do the splits and split your kipper! a version of twister with knives!
FeralSheryl said:How on earth did we all get hold of knives like that at our age (13ish)?
ha ha I also played a lot of knifey. There was an excellent swing down at the end of the Cloch road in Gourock. My pal got stitches when he got the swing seat in the forehead. Also played knifey like 'split your kipper' trying to make your opponent do the splits and fall.MagiKelly said:We used to play "knifey". You went on one of those rope swings that were always around, you know the ones with a stick tied as a seat. You went on the swing with a knife and had three swings during which you had to stick the knife somewhere, ground, tree, where ever. The next person had three swings to retrieve the knife and stick it somewhere else. If you could not retrieve the knife you were out. The onlyy catch was if you managed to put the knife where no one else could get it you did not win unless you could retrieve it, so no point in just throwing the knife. You could also play the game with a sharpened stick but then you could not stick it in a tree.
i have many fond memories of hanging upside down from a swing holding onto a tree with a knife gripped in my teeth pulling myself into a difficult spot to place the knife out of reach.
Hoodoo said:That game is called "mumbley peg" where I come from.