I find it works perfectly. I like the handle material. It is, essentially, a fairly generic scandi blade (though I am not sure myself exactly what I mean by that) and is as good at all the things that a scandi of those dimensions would be. It is not as thin and able as the thin Kallioniemi's I have. Nor is posessed of the same kind of learned handle geometry as the couple of Hankala's I have. That said, it doesn't have limitations on it either. It will absolutely do. What ever your circumstance or requirement for food, making fires, carving utilitarian things, it works. I have the 140 (was going to get a Peltonen for the longest time) but I like the look of the smaller versions a lot, too. I like the mini one especially so, and am quite surprised at myself for having not bought it yet.
So, in short, it hasn't the finesse of hand-made scandinavian knives, and it isn't suave, but it certainly isn't thuggish like the ESEEs or Beckers one occasionally hankers for, either. I think its appeal lies in its modesty and uncompromising character. The edge really is very good, You can quite easily get it singing sharp and strop it up on your trousers.