help needed

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. T

    SIlver Birch Coppicing/Pollarding advice needed.

    Dear Bushcraftuk Community, I just joined this forum in search for some pointers/advice from the community. (I would like to preface that I am not knowledgeable about bushcraft and the only knowledge I have if any are recreational videos from the US based Outdoor Boys Youtube channel.. nor is...
  2. T

    Recommendations for a knife for the field

    Hello, a pleasure to meet you all. I'm new to the forums and have come here for your advice to hopefully find the right bushcraft knife for me. I'm also looking to purchase one whether that be new or used. An Introduction: I am part of the army reserves and I am looking for a knife that can...
  3. J

    Knife ID - inherited

    Hi, I've recently inherited a collection of knives. I don't know anything about them! I'm looking for guidance on how to get rid of them (sell), what they are, and the prices they can be sold for. I'm new to this site so any help is appreciated. Knives
  4. B

    I bought this item as a water bottle holder but i dont know its actual use.,XRkC7QV,9COnpEk#0 Hello all, yesterday I bought this item, it was labelled as a water bottle holder and that's what I intend to use it for but i still don't know what it's actual use is. I am hoping someone can give me some information on this item, the only other...
  5. S

    Micro Adventure Forum - help required

    Hi All, I've been around here for 6 months or so and think it's great. I know many of you are general outdoors enthusiasts and could be interested in this. I love the concept of micro adventures - adventures you go on after work, at the weekend, on a whim. No mass planning, no global...
  6. E

    A great tarp for shelter making?? Need good advice

    I am searching for a great tarp for making shelters. I do not do hammocking. I want something that i can make alot of different shelter setups. I would use a rigdeline so attach points along the middle would be nice, generally just many attach points for different type of shelters. I would...
  7. EarthToSimon

    First Knife Blade handling help, Antler.

    Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place please move if not. Got a roll of red deer antler from a guy on here that fits my hand perfectly, so I've decided to use it to make my handle my first knife. Trouble is it's got a curve in it. Would I be able to bend the tang of the...
  8. sharp88

    Reccomend me a gore-tex, please!

    Hey all, I'm on the lookout for a new gore-tex jacket. I'm decommissioning my bright blue 'crisp packet' Berghaus for something more suiting my needs. My budget is £300 max. My requirements are simple: - First and most importantly I want a silent form of gore-tex. I'm sick to death...
  9. M

    Need help

    Hi everyone I don't want to sound like a sad case with this post, but I need a bushcraft friend to go out and learn new skills and knowledge with. Don't get me wrong I have loads of friends but none that's into bushcraft :( I have permission to use some land to camp out in, I just get bord...
  10. L

    Help with Primary School willow domes - South Oxon

    Hi All, I'm new to the forums so apologies if I don't quite get the etiquette right. I'm a member of our small village Primary School PTA. We built a number of willow domes with the kids last year which was a fantastic learning activity for them. They're now looking a little worse for wear...
  11. S

    Vote on the most important bushcraft skill

    I need your help. I am trying to build a log book system for students for next year and am trying to list skills in 3 levels 1, 2 and 3. So students can work though it building their skills over time. What skills would people suggest I include in the log book and what would the 3 levels look...