
  1. E

    Legality on entering an axe to the UK?

    Now this is a question I've asked lots of times to different people, and despite usually having a positive answer, I still have my doubts on it. I don't live in the UK but travel in and out of Scotland a lot for camping and bushcraft, and most of the time I carry a tomahawk and knife with me...
  2. V

    Looking for a felling axe recommendation, something better than Gränsfors?

    Not so long ago I had an injury on my shoulder, and since then the american felling axe I own from Gränsfors starts to feel a bit heavy at the end of the day... Keep in mind I'm also a girl, and that I always felt the felling axe was too heavy for me, still, I push through it.. Now I'm...
  3. Biker

    Biker's Tomahawks & Shinys for sale at the Moot

    Hi Folks, Last year I sold a few of the axes I've bought over the year and restored back to all their glory, this year I intend doing the same BUT last year I was approached by 3 people asking me to look out for specific makers axes/tomahawks. Sadly, like the numpty I am I've lost the list. So...
  4. Hippydude73

    Axe recomendations

    Hi. I'm after a new axe, can anyone recommend a good one please. I've seen Granfors Bruks and Hultafors but can't make my mind up. Cheers
  5. Fatbob

    Dave Budd hawk heads handled

    Hi all, I have finally managed to carve two axe handles for my Dave Budd axe/hawk heads, they were both carved from Ash( courteousy of Mr Budd) the larger of the two has been ebonised with a copper ferrule on the end and its fitted axe style with wood and steal wedges, the smaller of the two is...
  6. Lynx

    Help needed-Used Axes and Garden Tools

    I was reading a thread a couple of weeks ago I believe it was about axes and someone had posted a link to an online store selling lots of old gardening equipment including axes and hedging tools etc. Search as I may I can no longer find the link. Can anyone help please?