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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. josh20_3

    Hello From Essex

    hello jason im in the same boat mate i wanna learn but theres no groups in essex southend area :( im 22
  2. josh20_3

    Good bushcraft sites in the southeast?

    might be worth asking local farm owners that own the land that back on to woodland areas might be an idea ?
  3. josh20_3

    Newbie - Essex based

    returning enthusiast :) read many books and wanna keep learn fresh new ideas and skills many thanks josh
  4. josh20_3

    bushcraft on a budget - help?

    what you can do is go on you tube and type in bushcraft or bushcraft essentials and it does have on there a guy who tells what is a good idea to carry with you
  5. josh20_3

    Newbie needs help

    Can i ask What is a bottle of port????
  6. josh20_3

    Newbie needs help

    you sound alot like me my friend sadly i live in essex in the leigh on sea region im glad to kno there are people like me. I like the advice people have to say thanks