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  1. W

    jerky recipes

    yeah the westfalia dehydrator is deff worth it i'd say, so far i've made 2 batches of jerky and a batch of dried mango, bannana and apple. i'd say go for it as its just under 30 quid all in if you live in Britain. I think i'll give the teriyaki marinade a go soon, also think using some kind of...
  2. W

    jerky recipes

    hey all, just got a dehydrator from westfelia that was recommended in one of the jerky threads, made my first batch which is pretty nice (used some spice mixes, jamacan jerk, bbq and piri piri) can anyone recommend any wet marinades to use as l was thinking of giving it a go, im not fussy just...
  3. W

    new knife?

    what kind of wood did you end up going for for the scales? personally l love olive wood for handles but have never worked it myself, l have used local birch wood l cut and seasoned myself which turned out very well.
  4. W


    as a rough estimate (this is if the postage dosent cost more than what l think l will) im saying 7 quid a pop the now.
  5. W


    l might be willing to swap them depending on what you have, give me a pm with any offers and i'll consider any offers made
  6. W


    hey all, just to see if anyone would be insterested in such a thing known as a smartube, basically for those of you who are familiar with camelback backpacks its the same idea as this except the tubing system connects up to any normal sized bottle...
  7. W

    hi all

    heh. wasnt thinking straight when l typed that :P
  8. W

    hi all

    heh well im plannin on making a spoon soon enough cos im orderin a crook knife on friday (l get paid then :D) and im gonna get the mora knife from this site (both in carbon and stainless, the stainless one is for a friend whos just learning how to whittle random pieces of wood for now to get a...
  9. W

    hi all

    came onto this forum for a browse and ended up buying a machette of tengu now :P l live up in scotland not that far out from glasgow in a town called airdrie, been into knifes and swords bigtime for a while and thats what got me started on bushcraft. I love making things out of wood (and l love...