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  1. R

    Solid fuel alternatives

    Remember, They will not give you a license to aquire/possess/import hexamine for use in stoves as "There are safer alternatives available" That is not considered 'good reason' to have it. Their words not mine. I have about six months to use up the amount I have. Don't waste your money on an...
  2. R


    Thank you all for your comments and contributions on this matter. Apologies if the information has not seemed clear to some or provoked mistrust. As another contributor has pointed out, there is a high possibility of ever greater scrutiny regarding chemicals, in fact you can guarantee that...
  3. R


    The point is his company did Because his company status was not legitimate (no planning permission) his very possession of the chemicals became a problem. That's the relevance. He thought himself his own legal expert and despite repeated attempts by the HO to tell him he needed a license to...
  4. R

  5. R


    I don't wish to sound hostile or in any way in support of over draconian laws but the Home Office mean business on this and those found wanting have paid a very heavy price for thinking they have the advantage. Look up the case of Gert Meyers of Bridlington. He was found In breach of the Poisons...
  6. R


    Legal as long as it stays in that switch!
  7. R


    Hexamine tabs can contain Trioxane but trioxane is very volatile. Trioxane tabs (Vietnam era ish) do not appear to contain Hexamine and are therfore exempt.
  8. R


    Ok folks, that'll be all from me for a bit on this subject as I think we all have enough info to drown in! please refrain from too much chemical discussion on here as a public forum. This is simply to be circumspect as legit chemical users and not give forum staff a headache or more reason for...
  9. R


    Hello again all, I was aware when I posted this up it would cause some consternation among you and I can see there are some things I need to clarify to prevent confusion. Firstly, the list as you see it on the Home Office page is real and the ramifications of it are far reaching and quite...
  10. R


    Hi guys, Long time no see from me but I have a bit of information that will be important to some kit users. As of 1st of October 2023 the posession of Hexamine in ANY concentration became illegal with a maximum sentence for posession of 2 years and/or a fine. A link to all regulated substances...
  11. R

    2023 Winter Moot - Festival of Outdoor Cookery

    A mate suggested this so I just looked at the prices. £420 for my family!!!......Nice Idea but not in this financial climate! May be just me but even £140 is borderline. Another time maybe.
  12. R

    Rough Close ~ 10 to 14 November 2016 ~ Autumn TORM

    Hi Phil, I must admit I don't think I read all the previous posts before posting as this thread is usually a name list of who's attending so I jump to the last one, add my name. I understand the sentiments fully and never assume there is wood on site. I centainly do not want to...
  13. R

    Rough Close ~ 10 to 14 November 2016 ~ Autumn TORM

    Hello Phil, All, As you know this is a great meet and one of the essentials is.........THE LOVELY FIRE........... Usually the task of bringing suitable fire wood to site has been taken on by Niel and Claire and Phil.s. This has been on a contribution basis that to date has never covered...
  14. R

    Rough Close ~ 10 to 14 November 2016 ~ Autumn TORM

    Meet List: By adding your name you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with post #01 of this thread and accept that it can (and probably will) be edited before the Meet ... and include this line in the paste. 01. decorum 02. Mesquite Thurs - Sun TBC 03. TinkyPete TBC due to...
  15. R

    12 ~ 16 November 2015 ~ Rough Close ~ Autumn TORM

    unfortunately due to illness and work complications I have to cancel. Boo Hoo! Hopefully see you in January. Meet List: By adding your name you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with post #01 of this thread and accept that it can (and probably will) be edited before...
  16. R

    12 ~ 16 November 2015 ~ Rough Close ~ Autumn TORM

    Meet List: By adding your name you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with post #01 of this thread and accept that it can (and probably will) be edited before the Meet ... and include this line in the paste. 01. decorum 02. TinkyPete (TBC) but I will be a civie then 03...
  17. R

    Rough Close Spring TORM Meet 12 - 16 March 2015

    Meet List: By adding your name you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with post #01 of this thread and accept that it can (and probably will) be edited before the Meet ... and include this line in the paste. 1. Decorum 2. Mesquite 3. Midnitehound 4. Neil and Clare 5...
  18. R

    Rough Close Meet 16 - 18 January 2015

    I have given the whole stove a good service and have tried my own fuel mixture which seems to give much improved simmering. Priming with Methanol is also an improvement, no black soot on my face! My next project is a nice strong rack which can be dismantled and kept in the box with the stove...
  19. R

    Rough Close Meet 16 - 18 January 2015

    Hello Phil, A belated thanks for a great weekend. Weather was really good, so nice to wake up to frosty leaves and dusting of snow. Looking forward to meeting more folk from this forum. My refractory cypress wood sweedish fire torch will never be forgotten thanks to Phillip. Mk II...
  20. R

    athlete's foot........

    Hello folks, I treated my feet with a 1% solution of KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) you end up with a very dark solution as KMnO4 has an intense colour in solution. Even a couple of grains will turn water pink. This cleared my athletes foot and fungal nail in spectacular fashion. Had brown...