Search results

  1. J

    Hobo stove

    Hi all, not posted for a while. I made a hobo stove from a hotdog can. For a pot i used a soup can, and this slotted inside with enough room for the heat to go up the side, plus the cans go in to each other, so less room. To support the can with water in, i use 2 tent pegs, and i put some holes...
  2. J

    Power cuts?

    Is anyone else having a power cuts recently? We have had two with in less the a day. The second one was tea time aswell. Its amazing how many burgular alarms go off. I sat outside cooking on the camping stove listening to them all. The neighbours got a tad hungry i think. :D The last power cut...
  3. J

    Bivvy Bags

    Hi, I'm looking at getting a bivvy bag, but i dont know which one to get. I have been looking around on the internet for one, but i cant buy it off the internet as my parents still dont think its safe. I'm looking for one that isnt too expensive.(max £65) I've been looking at Gortex ones as i...
  4. J

    Help with FireSteel

    Hi, I bought a firesteel yesterday and i have tried to light dry grass and hay with it and it wont work. I get the sparks from it but it wont light a fire. I have tried moving the hay around but it still wont light the hay. :( I got 1 fire and it went out after about 2 seconds :( So i need...
  5. J

    Making a stove.

    Hi, I'm tempted to have a play with a baked bean tin as a stove. I have thought about getting one, having holes on the side at the top so fire can get out and to whats on top and a big hole where i could feed the fire. But i dont wont to have a fire in a tin that will just brake and fall...
  6. J

    Hi all

    Hi, I'm Joe and i've been looking at the forum for a while now, i got to it from the song of the paddle website. Its interesting to read what everyone does, unfortunatly i cant do too much as i'm 14 and my parents wont come with me(something to do with they have done it before and they wont to...