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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. boxcorsair

    Tenth wonder hammocks-Shameless plug

    Spike... I have sent a PM with Neil's email address... I bought firstly through ebay but bought further items though mail at a slightly reduced price. We got the XL green hammock and Sargasso tarps for 4 of us and they are straightforward and good quality.
  2. boxcorsair

    Machu Picchu Holiday Advice

    ps I forgot to add... our summer isn't the best time to go... their spring is around Sept-Nov and probably best weather wise. I once spent some time in Argentina in high summer and it got unbearably hot. Depending where you are going in Peru, there is a rainy season... a quick google turned up...
  3. boxcorsair

    Machu Picchu Holiday Advice

    Hi there I did a 4 day trek a few years ago. We used a company called Peru Treks. You can email them at We choose them due to the conditions, pay etc of their porters... some companies really pus these guys, but Peru Treks are well known for fair pay and the like. The...
  4. boxcorsair

    spoon carving. please help!

    I am a relative newcomer to spoon carving and was in a similar predicament a month or so ago. I opted for a single sided, right hand crook knife from Ben Orford. Like I say I have no real comparison but I got to grips with it very quickly. The handle is quite slender but seems to suit my hand...