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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. SiWhite

    Heads Up - Jetboil Stove Clone £20

    I stumbled across this deal today - £20 plus postage for a Jetboil-type stove.
  2. SiWhite

    Are you making any plans for the Snow?

    There seems to be a good dump of snow coming over the next 36 hours, in addition to what may already be laying in your area. We've had a dusting, but there is no snow to speak of in our bit of the South. I was not surprised to hear of empty supermarket shelves in some parts - do people not have...
  3. SiWhite

    Exmoor next week - what to do?

    After a bit of advice from the West Country folk, if possible? We are staying in a little National Trust Cottage for four days next week, and I’ve been compiling a list of places we should visit. The Cottage is just north of Barnstaple, so anywhere in Exmoor or north Devon coast is fair game...
  4. SiWhite

    Planning New Permission!

    We have a couple of lovely mixed woods very close to our house which are owned by a local golf course. I’ve walked our dog through one of them almost every day for the last four years, and have stopped for a cheeky flask of tea on a number of occasions. I’ve even foraged a few bits close to the...
  5. SiWhite

    Water Sources - what would you trust?

    I've been having something of a drive towards lightening my kit recently, in order to make my day walks more enjoyable and to encourage my learning with limited resources. I recently bought a water filter (a Sawyer Mini) in order to allow the sourcing of water when out and about, instead of...
  6. SiWhite

    Chainsaw grinder at Lidl

    Just a heads up - Lidl are doing thier electric chainsaw grinder jobby at the moment. For £20 I think it's a real bargain, and I'm delighted with how well it sharpens chains.
  7. SiWhite

    Sloe Gin - a tutorial...

    Evening all, I thought some on here would be interested in a brief tutorial on making Sloe Gin - one of the best winter tipples known! Enjoy!
  8. SiWhite

    Chainsaw Training

    Apologies if this is in the wrong forum - seemed like the best one to me... I've managed to secure access and firewood rights in a broadleaf wood owned by a neighbour of mine. There is enough wood in there to last me for many years - it hasn't been managed in a long time. The snag is that the...
  9. SiWhite

    New Blog - maybe of interest to some here...?

    I've started a new blog to document a few aspects of our new cottage and planned smallholding... There will be a few entries pertinent to the forum - lots of growing, animal husbandry, land management, tool reviews etc, as well as some bushcraft and...
  10. SiWhite

    Brit Army Bivvy Bag / Hammock Mossie Net

    First up, a used but good condition British Army goretex bivvy bag. Some marks and previous 'owners' names, but good nick. £15 posted. Untitled by Scgwhite, on Flickr Untitled by Scgwhite, on Flickr Secondly, a Hammock mossie net - bought from the forum some time ago but never used. It has...
  11. SiWhite

    Hammock underblanket - project!

    I am selling this hammock underblanket as we are moving house in the next few months and I need to have a clear out! It was originally a Snugpak Sofite sleeping bag, which I cut the foot from to make into an underblanket for my hammock. It might need a tweak or two, but has all the elements of...
  12. SiWhite

    John Partridge Waxed Jacket - small

    I bought this from the forum some time again - but it's just too small for me! I'd like £35 posted to a UK address. Untitled by Scgwhite, on Flickr Untitled by Scgwhite, on Flickr Untitled by Scgwhite, on Flickr This was sold as being brand new - and I don't disbelieve this - the...
  13. SiWhite

    Power Hacksaw - large!

    We're moving house in the next few months and as such, I'm having a clear out. I've owned this Ajax power hacksaw for a couple of years. It has a lovely lazy action and will cut anything you might wish, up to about 6" square. I've fitted a coolant pump and nozzle which means that the blade...
  14. SiWhite

    Pouches for Sale

    For sale are three pouches which are surplus to requirements. From Left to Right... 1. 5.11 Tactical water bottle pouch, brand new, £10 posted. 2. Karrimor Omni pouch, expanding, used but in VGC...
  15. SiWhite

    Wireless Cycle Computer

    Bontrager wireless cycle computer - £33 new last year - £10 posted to the UK. IMG_0757 by Scgwhite, on Flickr <a href="" title="IMG_0758 by Scgwhite, on Flickr"><img src=""...
  16. SiWhite

    MSR Pocket Rocket

    Used but good condition Pocket Rocket, including red plastic storage case, £18 delivered to the UK. Like this one; P1010859 by Scgwhite, on Flickr
  17. SiWhite

    Karrimor SF Hydro 30 Rucksac

    My daysac clear-out continues! Used but in VGC Karrimor SF Hydro 30 day sack for sale, in green and identical to this... £35 posted RMSD...
  18. SiWhite

    5.11 Rush 12 Rucksac

    As per the title, I've a Rush 12 surplus to requirements. As you can see, it's in VGC having had very light use. I've replaced the zip pulls with paracord to stop the jangling from the stock items. Grimlocs shown included in the sale. £50 posted. P1010808 by Scgwhite, on Flickr P1010809...
  19. SiWhite

    Source of webbing / buckles etc

    Folks, I'm after a UK source of high quality side release buckles and webbing in various sizes and colours. I can find sites selling one but not the other, and vice versa. Any recommendations?
  20. SiWhite

    Heads Up - Karrimor gear from Sports Direct

    No affiliation etc but Sports Direct are having a blowout sale - including some great Karrimor gear - Goose Down jacket for £20, for instance...