Search results

  1. relfy

    Water buttercup?

    I'm having trouble IDing this and wondered if anyone can help? I'm afraid I accidentally hoiked it out of the canal wall by my boat (was mortified, and replanted it, but not before taking some pics). My bet is ranunculus, and possibly crowfoot, but it has yellow petals. I have a strong...
  2. relfy

    Squirrel fishing

    Hope I don't get told off for this... Just thought it was an interesting method I'd never seen before ;) :
  3. relfy

    Gallery pictures showing in threads only intermittently

    Relating to this thread: The pictures are from this album For some reason, the pictures show sometimes and not others, both for mine and mesquite's who also posted the same...
  4. relfy

    Strange snail/ slug slime anyone?

    I took this picture a few years ago and have written to several wildlife trusts, the natural history museum, some random mollusc societies etc and none of them have actually written back, let alone shed any light on this... maybe they think I'm having them on, but I honestly am not! I've waited...
  5. relfy


    I was getting all excited at the apparent number of species of ladybirds I was finding this year. (Photos below). And indeed the cute yellow one with white spots (which I've never seen before) is a common native species called the orange ladybird. However, having looked them up, I now find that...
  6. relfy

    Wood-turning - how to make your own treadle lathe

    I had a go at making a wooden bowl by burning a log this week... it was a really nice way of sitting in the sunshine not thinking about anything in particular... what it wasn't was an efficient way of making anything. So! I had a look online and found this pattern for a make-your-own treadle...
  7. relfy

    Belated introduction

    Hello everyone, since there is a special space for introductions I thought I should add myself and ALSO having been on the Bushmoot last week - I'd appreciate some help with matching people I met to forum names, if you please? .... If you think you know me, can you introduce yourselves to me...