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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. paolo

    Recognize plants with leafsnap

    From the website home page : Leafsnap contains beautiful high-resolution images of leaves, flowers, fruit, petiole, seeds, and bark. Leafsnap currently includes the trees of New York City and Washington, D.C., and will soon grow to include the trees of the entire continental United States...
  2. paolo

    Website useful for plant recognition

    After reading Paul Kirtley's post about pignut, and realizing that I didn't kow much about it, I have started to look around for other pictures of the plant and I have found this German website whith lots of great plants images. Hope you like it, cheers Paolo
  3. paolo

    Anyone from USA can help me to buy a book?

    Hi, I'd like to buy the book "Six Ways In And Twelve Ways Out" from US Rsog, but it's available in USA only paying with money order or checque in USD and that's a problem for me. I have tried to contact them by email with no answer but I have read that they still ship the book. Anyone from...
  4. paolo


    Hi, I have just received the fire steels I have ordered. Apart from being impressed with the speed of shipping, these steels throw a real hell of sparks :) Thanks! Cheers, Paolo
  5. paolo

    How do you say? Lucky as....

    I can't believe it... I think I have never won anything in my life except a small prize in a lottery at school when I was 5 years old, and I'm one of the winners in the december prize draw of DD Hammock on Facebook. A Scout hammock is coming... nice Christmas gift.. :hammock: Cheers Paolo
  6. paolo

    best treatment for antler handle

    Hi guys, what's the best treatment for a reindeer antler handle? I often hear you speaking of Danish oil, that, as far as I have understood is based on Tung oil, so I was thinking about the Behandla wood treatment oil of Ikea.. Do you think it's good also for antler? Thanks, Paolo
  7. paolo

    Online shop for Barmah hats?

    Hi all, anyone can suggest an online shop for a Barmah hat? I'm after a Barmah 1018-HC or 1018-CR, and I have found some good Aussie stores, but the custom taxes will be really high, so I hope to find something in Europe. Any suggestion? Thanks! Paolo
  8. paolo

    Beef Jerky

    I must admit that I didn't know about beef jerky before BCUK. Here in Italy there are some typer of dried meat products, in my region mostly made with horse meat, in Friuli and Trentino with other typer of meat(beef, deer..) but they're quite different from jerky, less spiced. So I bought...
  9. paolo

    A nice weekend (warning, many pics)

    The last weekend out with my wife was about the middle of september, I didn't have the chance to share some pics with all of you, but... hope it's not too late to do it now.. This is the place (yes, the ugly thing it's me): While walking in the woods we met a nice Vipera berus...
  10. paolo

    Plastic buckles, closure components, snap hooks, whistles and lot more

    Hi, just in case you need a plastic buckle, a cord lock or end, a snap hook, or maybe a plastic emergency whistle, take a look at ITW Nexus. They have a lot of nice stuff, and, they send up to 15 items as free samples, enough for a small house project. E.G. these are nice for a paracord...
  11. paolo

    Bush foods of New South Wales

    Form the Australian Bushfoods and Native Medicine forum, a good link: There is a downloadable pdf file on the right. Cheers Paolo
  12. paolo

    Planning to buy a flashlight? This site may help you..

    This site contains the most impressive list of flashlights comparison and beamshot images I have ever seen. If you need to compare some flashlights before buying I think it's worth a visit. Hope you find it useful, cheers Paolo
  13. paolo

    Heads or tails? Hammock dilemma

    Hi guys, I have never used a hammock until now to sleep outdoors and now I want to try. :hammock: Anyway, since I don't know how much I will like this new way of camping, I don't want to spend too much money and I have restricted my choice between two models, the 2010 DD Travel hammock and the...
  14. paolo

    You have to start from somewhere...

    So tomorrow I will start a kayaking course... I have never touched a paddle so I decided to start with an expert. I see a lot of fun in the future, in the meantime, wish me good luck :) :canoe:
  15. paolo

    Canada georeferenced maps

    I haven't seen post on this, it seems a valuable resource. The Canadian Centre for Topographic Informations in Ottawa ha produced digital topo maps of Canada by scanning paper topo maps at 1:50.000 and 1.250.000 scales. The map sets, georeferenced, are available through this link...
  16. paolo

    Where do you keep you knives?

    Where do you keep you edged friends when not carrying or using them? I keep them in a small wooden box with drawers that I bought from ikea, but my buying rate is far greater than the space available.. I also have the problem that my fixed blades are too great to fit in the small drawers...
  17. paolo

    Hallo from Italy

    I'm Paolo, 40 years old from the northeastern part of Italy (Veneto) where I work as sysadmin in an IT company. I'm very happy to be a part of this community, even if I'm new here, I already feel like being sitting near a fire with some good old friends. So I'm here throwing my first log...