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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Toddy

    Anyone else make incense ? or mixtures for smoker ?

    Just watched this, and thought that looks very do-able. I know I've made incense for over forty years now, but seeing other folks do it, hear about their mixes, can be interesting :D M
  2. Toddy

    Hussifs; show us your hussifs :)

    Those little packages of good things. Repair stuff, from needles and threads to duct tape and click on eyelets for tarps. What's in yours ? M
  3. Toddy

    Good wishes for a bright Winter Solstice :)

    It's all brighter from here onwards :D I hope your own day is warm and bright, and you have time to just breathe the fresh air and look forward to longer days. M \
  4. Toddy

    Been watching videos of folks building rough log cabins in the woods, calling it bushcraft

    I've been unwell, and stuck without much energy I've been watching videos of folks building stuff. Log cabins, bushcraft cabins, shelters, etc., and ye Gods! and little fishes ! what an amount of work ! What an amount of tree felling, etc., to build something the size of a garden shed. I know...
  5. Toddy

    All good wishes for a Bright Solstice

    Every good wish for a Bright Solstice, full of family and friends, good food (and ale :) ) and hopes of a rich harvest. I hope it's a lovely weekend :D
  6. Toddy

    Green energy :D

    Just read this article in the news....oh, I like this :D We don't always have enough sunshine, but often there's enough wind :)
  7. Toddy

    MSR pots recall

    Just been sent a link to a recall on MSR pots.....there must be hundreds if not thousands of them in use among us :sigh: Having said that, it reads as though it's not so much a recall as a please get in touch and we'll send you a replacement handle...
  8. Toddy

    Wouldn't it be amazing to find this here ? Artifacts between 2,000 and 7,000 years old. Organic artefacts in good condition.....bark pots, baskets, shoes. Such wonderful evidences :) M
  9. Toddy

    The joy in simple things

    Sodden wet afternoon, I'm sitting at peace with the world, wish the world was all at peace, and I have a cup of tea, a wee bit of stilton and an apple. Happiness is often simple things, I find. Crisp cold night last night, and a huge just on the wane moon in the sky. Working to repair the...
  10. Toddy

    For Sale Book and magazine bundles for sale

    I'm clearing bookcases, and there are four books in this bundle. They are not pristine, they're all very sound though. The Ray Mears one was used at a week long workshop and is a little grubby looking but it's used, well read, not manky, if I make myself clear ? No missing pages, no other...
  11. Toddy

    It's cold, but the house smells lovely :D

    Fifteen years or so ago (yes, it really has been that long, and we've been blethering for that long on the forum) I mentioned that Himself made tablet, and some was duly sent to folks. It's awfully good :) even if it is an enormous sugar rush. Commercial tablet is hard and sugared out, it needs...
  12. Toddy

    Campfire ban being discussed in Cairngorms Too many numpties :sigh: The damage though is not acceptable, not reasonable. Why do they have to despoil that which they supposedly come to enjoy ?
  13. Toddy

    The Police have recovered the bodies of the four lads who went missing on Sunday.

    The lads 'went camping' in Eryri, Snowdonia, and had been missing since Sunday. The Police have found their bodies in a car that was partially submerged. It could have been any of our youngsters out there. We did it ourselves, went off with...
  14. Toddy

    Weather to come.......

    Today has been wet. It has been very wet, even for us it's wet. It's supposed to be more of the same for the next few days, but Sean Batty, the STV weatherman, says we're maybe in for a dry clear cold spell by the end of next week.....first snow perhaps too. First snow of the season could be on...
  15. Toddy

    Kendal Festival

    Just been sent a link to this. Sounds like fun :)
  16. Toddy

    Recommendation for a good insect identification book.

    I bought two this Summer, and both are far too limited. Fine if all you want are moths and butterflies, but I want insects like beetles, from bright green or red to black and snozzle faced, and wee flies, and grubs and larvae and pupae. Bees would be brilliant too, woodwasps, etc., and the...
  17. Toddy

    Grass sandals......9,000 years old :)

    There's a report on the BBC this morning about the finds from a Spanish cave. The dates of the artefacts have been reassessed and it's now believed that the grass sandals are c9,000 years old. The coiled grass is just as we still do it now. I make baskets and mats like this. You don't need to...
  18. Toddy

    Over 400,000 years ago, someone made this out of wood.....

    Over 400,000 years ago someone used stone tools to cut timbers to make them fit together. Wood so rarely survives in the archaeological record, yet it is, with bone, among the most useful, the most widely used materials of construction...
  19. Toddy

    Autumn's here, the spiders are trying to come indoors !

    The trees are changing colour, the leaves have started to fall, but I still haven't smelled 'Autumn' in the air yet. It'll come but not quite yet. It's definitely time though; the spiders are trying to come indoors. I've found and thrown out seven so far today, and it's not as though I'd gone...
  20. Toddy

    Where to buy decent meths ?

    Last time I bought meths all I could get was Bartoline stuff and while it's 'meths' it's sputtery stuff some how. Playing around with one of the pop can stove @Shewie made he a while back and it's not burning clean. The wee stove is clean, I'm sure it's the fuel. It came out of the original...