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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Ogri the trog

    Coleman Big Basin Sleeping Bag

    Very pleased with it, not small nor lightweight, but exactly as it says on the tin, "a big" bag. Being of larger build, this bag does not restrict my night-time movement and is long enough to pull up around my head & neck. Probably the best sleeping bag I've ever bought! ATB Ogri the trog
  2. Ogri the trog


    In which case, welcome aboard... ... and get some better boots! ATB Ogri the trog
  3. Ogri the trog

    Anyone got a coracle I could borrow?

    I was out with a fellow yesterday who mentioned that he has committed to doing a paddle for charity by rowing a coracle across Llyn Clywedog (a man-made flood control reservoir near the head-waters of the River Severn), some two and a half miles! The furthest he's been in one before now is about...
  4. Ogri the trog

    Wood for scales

    I keep removed tool handles for just this type of job. Hickory hammer & axe handles, and Ash garden tool handles - both do well as knife handles - not show-winners but certainly functional. ATB Ogr the trog
  5. Ogri the trog

    Two way radios

    If you are looking to take the licence route, I can recommend the on-line course run by You will need to create an account and apply to join the next available on-line course - . The members there add a few parts of the curriculum every...
  6. Ogri the trog

    Useful Features On Multi Functional Knife.

    I do question the necessity for a "bottle-opener" on a fixed blade knife - when all sensible advice is that when the beer comes out, the sharps go away. Which leads into a mild mis-trust of anything that could potentially weaken a blade or tang - and - any addition that has the potential to...
  7. Ogri the trog

    A few cutting tools...

    PM inbound ref Vic Ranger ATB Ogri the trog
  8. Ogri the trog

    Anyone from Chepstow / Newport

    Don't expect a reply anytime soon XA His last activity was about a year ago and joined 2 months previous to that - 2 posts total, Not sure how I missed this actually, I was born & brought up in the 'Port - living a little further north now! ATB Ogri the trog
  9. Ogri the trog

    Confused with leather boot care?

    I believe that dubbin got a bad name for rotting stitches from a time when boots were sewn with natural thread - (attracting dirt & grit which had an adverse effect on the cotton, leading to its premature demise) and about the same time, actual polish was not a popular thing. However, with...
  10. Ogri the trog

    Weaving the Bridge at Q’eswachaka

    Fascinating - thanks for sharing! ATB Ogri the trog
  11. Ogri the trog

    Looking for a good survival course

    Don't be disheartened Max, Just because there are no replies, does not mean that people are actively ignoring you - there will be only a few members who will have attended the courses that you have mentioned, and maybe they've not been on the forum recently enough to have seen your question. It...
  12. Ogri the trog

    Show Us Your Hiking Staves

    My Dragon firgurehead, which I carved about 25 years ago. It spent a decade on top of the headlight of my Harley and has since found its way onto a number of staff's - probably due for another replacement soon as the current hazel is splitting and becoming unstable...
  13. Ogri the trog

    Kakadu Traders Toorak Shirt

    Nope, just a gaping great hole! OTT
  14. Ogri the trog

    Kakadu Traders Toorak Shirt

    PM inbound Ogri the trog
  15. Ogri the trog

    Happy Birthday Ogri the trog.

    Thank you everyone - had a quiet day and now sat, glowing from a meal out with the family. Maybe a snifter later on..... ATB Ogri the trog
  16. Ogri the trog

    Looks like a handy bit of kit for Dutch pot cooking

    Tried there but can't find them - got a link? ATB Ogri the trog
  17. Ogri the trog

    Looks like a handy bit of kit for Dutch pot cooking

    I contacted them a few days ago to see if they ship to the UK - still waiting for an answer - how many others have tried? Failing that I'll be following Wayland's lead to make something similar. ATB Ogri the trog
  18. Ogri the trog


    Aha, you have me there Ged.... With your comment - I assumed that you had a little personal history hanging there. ATB Ogri the trog
  19. Ogri the trog


    Sharpen and use - but I'd also say to get rid of the highly polished handle finish to increase the available grip. The blade finish might be an attempt at chrome plating, it might flake or wear off with use, but nothing to worry about excessively. I have a WWII model gifted to me from a member...