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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. treefrog

    50 Things to do…….

    28 28 20 :) (Two eight, two eight, two ooooh)
  2. treefrog

    50 Things to do…….

    I ticked most of these in my childhood, but even now I still do most of these :) in case you can't get the link, these are things to do before you are 12yrs old. 1. Climb a tree 2. Roll...
  3. treefrog

    Mug that fits a nalgene

    Does anyone know if a Alpkit/vargo Ti mug, when fitted to a 1L nalgene, will fit inside a Maxpedition bottle pouch (much the same as a crusader cup/osprey bottle pouch)
  4. treefrog

    Fjall raven Nº21 rucksack

    Saw the new Nº21 pack from Fjall Raven this weekend. Very nice, …...but £200, ……..seriously ?!!
  5. treefrog

    When is it a camp?

    In the 80's I was trekking through the Ordesa national park, Spanish Pyrenees and ended up looking for a place to camp. There were signs everywhere saying 'No Camping'. I eventually found a park ranger, who summed it up for me when he said "We allow bivouacking, but not camping. If you pitch...
  6. treefrog

    Cheap meths heads up

    …..and fire logs at 99p each. Stocked up on both, thanks.
  7. treefrog

    Collapsible water vessels

    +1 for the MSR Dromedary bags. Had one for going on eleven years now, so I consider it good value for money.
  8. treefrog

    To Chair or Not To Chair ?

    When canoeing, I just sit on one of these….. or general camping, I turn my Therma-rest into a chair…...
  9. treefrog

    More fun in the Lakes

    Did you not head for the Bothy ?
  10. treefrog

    Archery forums..

    Maybe Tony will give us archers our own forum heading
  11. treefrog

    completley usless shiney thing, I love it

    Looks like a cheap copy of a Kong Frog used by climbers to attach to anchor bolts. Mainly used abroad on bolted climbing routes.
  12. treefrog

    what car you driving?

    I have the diesel version on a 09 plate (does 50mpg average). Fits dogs, camp gear and canoe and will go as far off road as i will ever need too, and is great in the snow. :)
  13. treefrog

    Sabre SF stockists in Yorkshire ?

    Nearest place to me (in South Yorkshire) that stocks Karrimor SF to my Knowledge is Polimil in Leicester.
  14. treefrog

    recommend me a good outdoorsy film

    New Pixar animation for 2012 'Brave' looking quite good for the Scots amongst us …..and nice attention to detail with the archers paradox
  15. treefrog

    recommend me a good outdoorsy film

    Ok not a film but a beautifully crafted Hotel Ad, but worth a watch nonetheless
  16. treefrog

    What kills starving people?

    There you go :)
  17. treefrog

    Tips for putting up my Bergans Lavvu

    I keep meaning to make myself one of these. (either that or spend a tenner
  18. treefrog

    Big Fox

    I don't know what they're feeding them on north of the border, but thats one big fox.
  19. treefrog

    recommend me a down sleeping bag please folks,....

    PHD sale coming up. British made kit in best quality materials. A happy customer with a few bits of their stuff.
  20. treefrog

    Possession of an Offensive Weapon.

    CPS Guidance on Youths. YouthsIt has been agreed between ACPO and the CPS that a more serious response is required for youths aged 16 and 17. The starting point is for the police to charge youths aged 16 and 17 unless there are exceptional circumstances. A warning remains the normal response...