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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. sandsnakes

    Watch review Citizen Spots

    Watch Review Not to read by anyone under 35... you just wouldn't understand, it's an age thing! It comes to all of us at some point, there was this noise in the garden, three cats and a fox having an acid house party. Helen , the light of my life and joy of my existence, hit me in the ribs...
  2. sandsnakes

    water purification question

    Red said it all. Iodine can affect you if you have thyroid issues, you dont want to discover this halfway through your journey. Chlorine will not as once its in liquid it evaporates off. Your other altermative is permangante but this is destroyed by vit C and citric acid. So it wont work...
  3. sandsnakes

    London Pub Meet No 7

    see you next time Colin.
  4. sandsnakes

    This is gonna sound weird

    Now this gonna sound odd, but that description sounds exactly like my mothers cooking!
  5. sandsnakes

    This is gonna sound weird

    TO quote Arlo Guthrie '...kid, see the shrink, room 304...' Yep that's got to be weiRdest BCUK post! Now here is a thought, offer it as a prize for an even odder post! Sandsnakes
  6. sandsnakes

    London Pub Meet No 7

    25th it is then!
  7. sandsnakes

    Top Ten Medicinal Plants

    While not a native cinnamon. Its considered a cure all in the East. Known anti-viral and bacterial affect. works well with charcoal if you have a gut bug in the wilds. Several studies show that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people...
  8. sandsnakes

    Cleaning pine resin of your hands???

    And possibly the odd tree hugger stuck to a tree with pine resin. Now there's a thought, who would the tree hugger swear at?
  9. sandsnakes

    Cleaning pine resin of your hands???

    If the Scoth is that cheap that you use it to clean your hands, a drop of pine resin will probably improve the flavour!:lmao:
  10. sandsnakes

    Audubons Birds of America.

    The great Audubon conservation project is now completed. See the books taken apart, conserved and rebound. What is not mentioned on the site is that each spine took over 3000 strikes of the pattern tools to reproduce the original patterns...
  11. sandsnakes

    Dyeing Desert DPM

    Matt, The only way you can get the dye removers to work, and then not well, is to boil the jacket in old school washing soda. After that bung it in a washing machine to was the soda out. The dye they use is almost like an emulsion paint and binds to the cotton fibres very strongly. I have dyed...
  12. sandsnakes

    New Female bushcrafter from preston

    Hi and welcome. As you are a registered Viking can I ask, what kind of axe do you have? :)
  13. sandsnakes

    London Pub Meet No 7

    Hi Chaps, I can do 24 and 25th July, sorry cant do weekend of 27/29 off to Jersey to see beloved. Hemdale, whats Broadstone Warren? S
  14. sandsnakes

    Physical conditioning with heavy backpack

    Lub, remember every kilo you shed equals more miles walked with less fatigue. With a day pack you can can do a stroll of 20 miles with ease, with a 80l and full gear...... So remember, less weight means more distance and better sleep with less strains on joints... each kilo counts. As for...
  15. sandsnakes

    Gluten Free camp cooking?

    try this link old chap They make wonderful stuff also do a flour that makes great scones and bannock. Frankly it actually tastes better than the gluten containing stuff. To hold things like corn meal or polenta together add buckwheat.. no its not wheat...
  16. sandsnakes

    Building a long term shelter from natural materials

    Stunning craftsmanship guys!
  17. sandsnakes

    Happy birthday to Raikey.

    Have fun... and make your own knife! Thats the course you need because she got you on Woodlore! Doc
  18. sandsnakes

    Physical conditioning with heavy backpack

    Lub dude listen to the guys, the ex-military types did this for a living, they know the problems. As you are a cyclist you may need orthotics insoles to correct the gait. Past the age of 27 repeat injuries take a lot more time to heal and strengthen, ever wondered why footballers retire young...
  19. sandsnakes

    The Amish as a source

    Interesting lot the Amish. Pal of mine and his wife were the doctors to a local community, it got a bit problematic when there was only one telephone per community and that was in a box in the middle of the street... no one could be bothered to answer it! From the observations of Graham...
  20. sandsnakes

    Hi Hazel, how is it all going enjoy the moot if you are going, I was thinking of driving down...

    Hi Hazel, how is it all going enjoy the moot if you are going, I was thinking of driving down for a day to catch up with old friends. Roderick