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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. -Switch-

    tips for flint & steel

    I've just had a look and I've got no flint in the house. This is irritating - I was really looking forward to sitting outside in the sun and experimenting with a few things when I got in from work. :(
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    tips for flint & steel

    Yeah, that's pretty much what I discovered but I wanted to experiment a bit with it because I think it might work with wet trousers too. I'd be interested to see if the 'scraping' of the trousers/jeans removes enough moisture from the small fibres to enable them to catch a spark. Once the...
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    Woo hoo....Just finished my first forged knife and I am well pleased..

    Both the knife and sheath are looking good there Jon, top marks. It must be a good feeling to create your own usable field knife, and that definitely looks like it'll be a user. I quite like that blackened 'just forged' kind of look rather than mirror polished (I don't know all the correct...
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    tips for flint & steel

    Unfortunately, as you said, there are pretty much no natural tinders that can be used with flint and steel that require little or no preperation. As I'm sure we're all aware, people used to go to great lengths to prepare their materials for fire lighting when flint and steel were the main...
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    axe, golok or kukri

    The endless chopping tool debate trundles on.... ;) I'm really boring with my preferances but I personally find a hatchet paired with a Mora does me perfectly. I use a modified Wilkinson Sword 1.5lb hatchet. I also own a No2 golok but I don't find it very useful for many tasks - if I'm...
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    tips for flint & steel

    Pre-charred materials like charcloth work best but then you have the paradox of needing fire to char the material but needing the charred material to start the fire. Cramp ball fungi do work but as I said in the last post I made they have to be absolutely dry. Even the sweat from your...
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    tips for flint & steel

    I've managed to get a cramp ball smouldering a few times using flint on the back of my carbon Mora. I was just messing about at the time and didn't realise it was regarded as such a difficult thing to do otherwise I would've posted something up about it on here. It takes a while longer to...
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    New RM book

    Didn't know he'd written a new book, I've still not got round to buying 'Wild Food' yet. Looks like a trip to the Woodlore site is in order.
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    Littlehall meet (Kent)

    Hi guys :) I finally got the internet back on friday but I've been having real problems getting on here. Apparantly I'm not the only one. I'll be there for the 24th/25th, seems like ages since the last meet.
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    Littlehall meet (Kent)

    Yes I will, thanks Peter :) If anyone fancies braving it on saturday night then I should be there for about 2/3ish. By the way, I still don't have internet access (I'm at my dads at the mo) but I can be reached on my phone for those that have my number.
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    Fjall raven at tk max

    The problem with TKMaxx is that the stock changes from week to week so you never know if they're going to have your items in stock. It's a game of chance really. But it's a good feeling when you trawl through loads of crap and stumble upon a real bargain. :D A word of warning...
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    promised not to come here...

    Welcome Sparkplug :) Don't stay away mate, spend a bit of time here and join in. All input is welcomed no matter how long you've been at it. And let us know how the course goes. :cool:
  13. -Switch-

    Has spring come early (again)

    I don't think winter's over yet. We too have got daff's poking their heads up at the moment but I think that's just because it's unusually warm at the moment. I reckon (hope) it'll get colder again. A sudden cold spell in late February/early March with a bit of snow would be nice :cool:
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    Littlehall meet (Kent)

    That's actually not a bad idea :lmao: I'm sorry about my sleeping habits - it's just that I don't sleep very well at home for various reasons and I find it very easy to relax in the woods. :o I'm quite looking forward to this actually. I'd like the chance to fell a small tree with my...
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    Littlehall meet (Kent)

    I'd be up for the 3rd Mike, I'd quite like a day swinging an axe about :) Can we make an overnighter of it? It'd be much easier to wake up, have a bit of breakfast then get cracking rather than travel down for the day. I promise I won't over-sleep :o
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    Snugpak rocket pak

    Glad you're enjoying it mate. It's a good pack if you can get it to sit right, I'm just cursed with a long back :( . To be honest I didn't notice it's shortcomings until I'd been using it for over a year. For short hikes to a base camp it's great because you can then strip it down for...
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    Little Red book of Sloth

    I have a notebook that I have always taken out with me. It's permanently in the side mesh pocket of my main pack, along with a pencil or two. So far I've yet to write anything in it, although there is a particularly nice doodle on the inside front cover :rolleyes: The problem is I...
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    Snugpak rocket pak

    I'd agree with John there - the versatility of the pack is very good. With the side pouches removed you have a handy 40 litre pack with mesh side pockets for water bottles etc. And with a yoke the side pouches make a very good 25 litre daysack. If only it was 6 inches longer :(...
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    Snugpak rocket pak

    I find that with mine too. The rocket pack is designed to fit above military webbing (belt kit) and as such doesn't sit on the hips properly when used without webbing. This puts an awful lot of strain on the shoulders. I'm 6'1'' by the way, and as such have quite a long back. I also have...
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    An abundance of spiders

    I'm not sure either. But spider bites in the UK are very, very rare. The Cellar Spider hardly ever bites and I don't think it's something to be worried about. I've had a bit of a look and can't find any information on how an infant would react to being bitten. I'm assuming then that it...