Fjall raven at tk max

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Thanx for the heads up Gibbsy,
Got me a pair today, they look fine and dandy for £20 to me...come on the rain:rolleyes:
You are a brave man heading to TX maxx every week,
I try to avoid the place till pay day (monthly).
So many bargins:lmao: be rude not to...:D
I'll have to check those out, sound like a bargain.

Are they light enough to roll up an stick in backpack? (I hate shopping but if there's something good I need I'll make the effort - it's a drive through London traffic for me. :( )
This might sound a bit stupid but are they in the trouser section or does tk maxx have an outdoorsy area? i tend to avoid the place like the plague normally but could make the effort under these circumstances.;)
Dan the trouble with TK Max is you will have to trawl through loads of crap to find them!!
Could be in the ski gear or the ordinary trouser section or the tracky bottoms!!!!
Hate the place but sometimes just sometimes thaey have some good stuff;)
I'll have to check those out, sound like a bargain.

Are they light enough to roll up an stick in backpack? (I hate shopping but if there's something good I need I'll make the effort - it's a drive through London traffic for me. :( )

Yes they are nice and light and pack down very small, they have two proper pockets and velcro on the legs to adjust them.

This might sound a bit stupid but are they in the trouser section or does tk maxx have an outdoorsy area? i tend to avoid the place like the plague normally but could make the effort under these circumstances.;)

Mine were in the skiwear section i think !!.
Thanks, looks like a trip to T K Maxx is on the table then. I might pick up some Craghoppers while I'm there too.

In the branches around my area they seem to have tidied them up a bit and stuff isn't as hard to find as it used to be.

Generally all the outdoor gear is grouped together into skiwear and another label, "technical" I think it is. Anyway it's all in the same location. You do have to look at those little stands they have at the ends of the isles though because often they have gear you want, and you should look in the "reduced" section in case there's any cheaper bargains.

Some of the socks are pretty good too, worth having a look. I bought a set of three nice pairs of hiking socks that were reduced below the normal T K Maxx prices and I've found them to be really comfortable.
I bought me some lafuma goretex lined hiking boots there a couple of months ago, to use for work. Damn things are leaking already...
The problem with TKMaxx is that the stock changes from week to week so you never know if they're going to have your items in stock.

It's a game of chance really. But it's a good feeling when you trawl through loads of crap and stumble upon a real bargain. :D

A word of warning though...
Alot of their stock is factory seconds - stuff that didn't pass the quality checks. I remember finding a very good gore-tex jacket that I picked up and took to the counter only to find there was a very fine but very long slice in the fabric along the back. This happened when the box was carelessly opened with a knife in the shop it was originally destined for. The item was rejected from the shop and sent to TKMaxx for re-sale at a discount price.

Not all of their stock is like this, alot is also last seasons stuff that they can't sell in the high street anymore. I've picked up some real bargains from there in the past.
But best to be extra vigilant when checking your purchases :)
I bought a pair of grey Nike trousers from T K Maxx in London this time last year. Craghoppers don't come in skinny guy size and these looked like the next best thing. I bought a pair and went back the next weekend for a second pair! I like the magnet closure on the pockets!
I have seen these fjall raven jogging bottoms and they dont look up to the job of being outside maybe if you are joging but no good for bushcraft, I would not bother going to tk max if you are looking for hard wearing trousers for bc
I never found the Fjall Ravens in any T K Maxx until today. They were in the reduced section next to the jogging bottoms and they were only £14 :drive: Only one pair and my size! Maybe I never found them before because they were in the jogging section or something. To test out my theory I went over to the sports tops and sure enough I found a Craghoppers base layer in with the football tops. I need to hone my retail foraging skills. :rolleyes:

Yes they do look a bit like jogging bottoms but they are pretty much what I needed. Something light that can roll up into a kit bag and be put on when needed. At full price these pants are £60 and similar Gore-Tex paclites can be over £100. Because of the mesh lining you could wear them without any trousers underneath if you wanted.

The only minor criticism I have is that the pockets don't seal shut and the bottom doesn't open wide enough to get them on while wearing boots, but at £14 I'm not too fussed that they aren't perfect.
I'm not entirely sure whether it's appropriate my posting this since I work in the Exeter branch part-time to supplement my student loan. Mods, feel free to remove/edit as you see fit. I amnot writing this as an advert, but as an informational piece. (Besides, as a lowly dogsbody I don't get paid to do publicity! :D)

TK Maxx stock changes literally daily. Deliveries happen 5 days a week and all stock should be on the floor within 4 hours. That's why it looks like a jumble sale... it basically is. You never can tell what will be in when. Noone knows until the boxes are opened.

I won't go into details and prices for obvious reasons, but most outdoorsy stuff is put inot the 'Active Outdoors' section. I've seen lots of 'big names'. Not just clothes either. Prices are very reasonable IMHO, but as already mentioned there is no such thing as a free lunch. There is of course the 'price' of having to wade through lots of stuff you don't want... and some quite 'interesting' people.


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