Still lots of Covid about?

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White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
I'm just coming out the other side of a bout of covid, a little bit horrid. But it got me wondering how many of you are still picking it up or know people that are getting it etc and what impact it's having on you. At the moment my vision is changing in and out with my heart beat, it's a weird experience! Then there's lots of the usual, breathing, headache and aching stuff... Hoping to feel fine in the next day or so...


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
I had a spell of something a few weeks ago - not sure what it was but knocked me for six.
Was it Covid? No idea- Covid now seems to have had a bit of a down regulation from its pandemic status to now encompass a lot of unspecified grotty cold/fluey type feelings.

Rang my doctor to see If i could get an appointment and got told No and just to be ' Kind to myself... ' so I did.
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White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
Yeah, same sort of thing, it's flue or covid, I got it from my wife who tested so I've made the presumption.
I'm having disagreements with my kids, I want them to be considerate 'just in case they could pass it on' and they come back with how it doesn't count unless they have symptoms, I'm thinking it won't be good for their friends grandmother (Who friend lives with) and they're strongly disagreeing :slap:

Hope that you're fully over it now and your self kindness was long lasting!


Life Member
Jan 18, 2009
Mid Wales
We still hear about people getting it locally quite regularly. However, as far as I can tell, anybody that ends up with flue like symptoms decides it's Covid around here. To be honest @Tony kids are going to spread it at school anyway; I just don't see how one can prevent it.

To our knowledge, we have never had it (though the missus did have a bad colds/flue at the end of 2019 when our son came back from working in India!). We've had all the jabs so that has probably helped; that and the fact we live miles away from anywhere and I'm antisocial :)


Full Member
Feb 17, 2018
Covid? What's that? Seems noones really interested in it anymore......

As @TeeDee said, since its down regulation noones keeping 2m apart, no masks, no hand cleaning, public gatherings are totally OK now. So I suppose covid is still out there...

Tbh, although I had the vaccs, throughout the entire pandemic, I just carried on as normal (abiding by guidance where I had to).

A lot of the covid symptoms are the same as flu or the common cold, so I guess it's hard for doctors etc to distinguish between all of the ailments and we are all expected to just get back on with it....


Full Member
Mar 22, 2012
South Wales
Theres something that has ripped through my work place and it has wrecked a few of us, myself included. 3 weeks later and I'm still fatigued, sore muscles etc, chest is sensitive when deep breathing

I had covid once before and this felt similar, maybe not quite as bad but more stubborn. I did do a covid test that I had laying around but didn't show anything.

So basically, I can't answer the question, but fancied a moan and maybe a little cry for sympathy as it's a bit thin on the ground in my house!


Full Member
Sep 27, 2005
Oxfordshire and Pyrenees-Orientales, France
Get well soon all of you.
Neither Madame nor I have had Covid but because of our age we have been rigorously vaccinated against it and normal flu every year. Not having to go to work and avoiding crowds, easier when one is retired and lives in the country, may have helped too.
i have never had flu, not even when asian or Spanish flu was sweeping the country. I was one of only two boys and one master to have had an unblemished attendance record during the 1950s epidemic. Hopefully I am one of those lucky enough to have naturist resistance; or maybe my Grandmother was right in her view that I was born to be hung!


Full Member
Sep 20, 2022
We had it at the start of 2023 for the first time and it wasn’t much fun.

Seem to have avoided since, but on holiday this week and pubs are busy, and nieces always bring something!


Full Member
Jul 19, 2023
Covid is something that doesn’t cross my mind much these days. The most crowded place I’ve been for a couple of years was the clinic where I had my last jab - must be a year ago now.
One problem is that we each seem to react as differently to standard Covid as those who have it do to long Covid so telling whether you’ve got it without testing is hard. I don’t believe that I’ve not had it at all in twelve months. There have been days when I’ve felt “weak” and a little fogged but then there are so many other possible explanations.

Do folk still have a supply of tests? We have a few that are way past their used date. No idea whether they’d work.


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
Yeah, usually we'd just pass feeling rough off as one of those things, but it was hard hitting and my wife tested, no idea on where she got the test kit :) She works with some old people so maybe because of that.
We generally don't think about it these days, I was looking through the COVID section I had on the BushMoot website the other day thinking it's a bit redundant now.


Full Member
Jul 19, 2023
I was looking through the COVID section I had on the BushMoot website the other day thinking it's a bit redundant now.
In that there is no legal requirement to do anything even if you know you’ve got it: the section is probably redundant.

You are advised to avoid gatherings and crowds if you know you are infected but given the proportion who don’t know: that advise too would seem redundant.


Moderator staff
Oct 6, 2003
Several people at work were laid down with something. No one said it was covid, but it could have been, but there have been various infections going around


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
So far we've avoided it, even though the son who still lives at home did catch it. We were just very careful and practiced good hygiene.

I don't want it. I have had real flu and it literally took me months to get back to feeling like me again, and I was fit and healthy then.

I react really badly to vaccinations but I have taken every single one as a pre-emptive.

I confess I laughed when out with a friend and we passed a troup of nursery pupils all paired up with an adult....
"Oooh, disease vectors", said Pat, and gave them a body swerve :)
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gibson 175

Full Member
Apr 9, 2022
West Yorkshire
I avoided it until Dec 2022 when I worked in a rehab unit( a bit like a care home) and there was an outbreak.
Until then we had been really careful,especially with caring for a couple of vulnerable relatives. After I caught it-try as we might- my wife and son caught it from me at home. Despite me confining myself to the bedroom and not mingling at home. So I found it interesting that your son caught it but you didn't. Mind you, by the time I was showing symtoms I may have already passed it on.
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Full Member
Nov 21, 2019
N. Ireland
I've got something, the Mrs. has the same thing last week. Very sore throat, phlegm-y, occasional loss of voice and ready for bed, right about now actually! Dunno if it's covid, a cold, a chest infection or something entirely different and that's the way I suspect we're going to be from now on.


Full Member
Mar 29, 2016
I have had COVID 5 times, each time was worse than the last, and I have had 5 vaccinations. I mask and have been masking continuously since it started.

COVID has not gone away, it has mutated. The truth of it all is that COVID attacks every part of our body and weakens the immune system. I have a friend that has been combining the flu vaccines for the last 12 years, and he is disgusted that COVID has been so down graded, in his words 'we should not be living with this, and we should be very worried'.

COVID is responsible for past ailments coming back to risk lives now, my 7 year old has been very sick from scarlet fever....when I was growing up, you barely got a day off school for scarlet fever, now it is getting close to isolation wards like it was in my great grandmother's time.

The really sad part of COVID is that it really does hide in the body, it masks itself and does all sorts of damage.... research shows (edit - will find the paper with the stats) increase in type one diabetes is linked to COVID infections.

Now I completely understand that there is peer pressure to not mask, and it is hard to be poor wife was the only one wearing a mask at a conference in London with 3,000 attending....she did that to protect herself and her family.
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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I avoided it until Dec 2022 when I worked in a rehab unit( a bit like a care home) and there was an outbreak.
Until then we had been really careful,especially with caring for a couple of vulnerable relatives. After I caught it-try as we might- my wife and son caught it from me at home. Despite me confining myself to the bedroom and not mingling at home. So I found it interesting that your son caught it but you didn't. Mind you, by the time I was showing symtoms I may have already passed it on.

We're retired, it was easier for us to isolate, easier for us to have time to keep things seperate.
Son2 literally lived in his room, the bathroom and the back garden for the week he was infectious. Everything was washed seperately, and we did use the disinfectant sprays a lot.

I think sometimes it really is just your luck though whether you catch it or not, especially now a days when people are being so blasé about the whole thing.
There are a lot of very worried vulnerable people around.
Personally I still avoid crowds, I avoid being close to strangers, but then I don't have to use public transport, or have young children at school, etc.,

I think our carelessness, as a society, is going to come back and bite us. I'm sure there's a kind of feeling that it'll just clear out the old, infirm, etc., but the reality is that these kind of virus' often hit the young and fit hardest.



Full Member
Mar 29, 2016
I think our carelessness, as a society, is going to come back and bite us. I'm sure there's a kind of feeling that it'll just clear out the old, infirm, etc., but the reality is that these kind of virus' often hit the young and fit hardest.

Absolutely correct, long COVID is hitting the healthy active people. I know of 13 people with long covid, they were marathon runners, swimmers, long distance cyclists, etc. they can barely do a two hour meeting without needing a break to recover, and overall take a week to do two days worth of work.

The risks are unknown with children, and that is the most frightening aspect, schools are not ventilating (opening windows, let alone air purification systems).

I was at the houses of parliament back in 2021 with work, they had air purification installed instantly when the penny dropped, and in all the private schools....all at tax payers expense.

I went back to parliament 8 weeks ago, I had to do a COVID test upon arrival, a health questionnaire and check (if I didn't have my COVID vacations, and all of them there was no entry) and wear a mask until I got to my destination and the people I needed to see....the powers that be are 'not living with covid', they know the risks, they are frightened, and they should be.....they are reading the research or getting a summary.

We didn't live with small pox, there was a huge worldwide eradication effort....COVID is far worse, and as an air borne virus, is far more difficult and more frightening.
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