Recent content by Ystranc

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Ystranc


    The only real issue you would have is getting it signed off by the building regs guy from the council, easy enough if you’re using a standardised woodburner tested to conform to British standards but common sense will only carry you so far when you’re faced with the whole batch of British...
  2. Ystranc

    I can't stand Deadpool

    It’s all just entertainment, whether it’s dead pool or Poirot. They’re far from being the worst films ever created..these days I often find myself switching off or leaving the room after the first ten minutes of a film or pilot episode of a new series. Docu-dramas, paranormal or real crime...
  3. Ystranc

    Bushcraft Word Association Game

  4. Ystranc

    Sold Garmin GPSMap 62ST

    This is a very good deal gentlemen, they’re going for more than twice this price on EBay.
  5. Ystranc

    DIY Smurf Poo?

    Carborundum powder, oil and beeswax. My Mrs bought some carborundum powder for making some historically accurate Georgian reproduction pin cushions. I cadged a little to play with, it works quite well.
  6. Ystranc

    Bushcraft licence to and from the Moot to a place of Residence !

    Unfortunately it was visible clipped to the strap of my game bag…my stupid mistake but then again this should have made its purpose even more obvious. I suppose it was a case of young copper sees a bloodstained knife and has a bit of a species reaction.
  7. Ystranc

    Bushcraft licence to and from the Moot to a place of Residence !

    As a white middle aged male living in rural Wales I can truthfully answer that in the affirmative. To the point where I had stated why I was carrying a bright orange Hultafors crafter to and from my shooting permission and the young police officer still thought it necessary to contact a sergeant...
  8. Ystranc

    What wildlife did you spot today?

    Sparrow hawk hunting blackbirds in the rowan trees.
  9. Ystranc

    DIY fire-starting tinder?

    If you’re using a ferrocerium stick you could do worse than carry a pencil sharpener drilled so that it hangs off the ferro rod’s lanyard. Snap off a dead pine or birch twig (pencil thickness) as you’re passing, a few twists of the pencil sharpener and hey presto, instant tinder…far quicker than...
  10. Ystranc

    What wildlife did you spot today?

    They’ve done similar to some fifteen year old hornbeam and aspen on my property. Fenn traps, cage traps, BMI body grip 110’s and the 12 gauge are currently doing their bloody handed work. Today’s wildlife was a peregrine being mobbed by crows. At first the peregrine had it all its own way until...
  11. Ystranc

    Reactive outdoor 3sec tent

    Oh, that’s more of a problem. In that case you need to chase the senders as soon as possible to find out where it was delivered to or even if it was delivered. My experience of Evri is that they have regular stoppages and bottlenecks in their distribution network and even though they say...
  12. Ystranc

    Reactive outdoor 3sec tent

    Credit or debit, it makes a big difference.
  13. Ystranc


    To be quite clear, I do not believe that long term living off the land is viable in the UK unless you’re going down the path of off grid self sufficiency from a fixed base like a smallholding.
  14. Ystranc

    Reactive outdoor 3sec tent

    How did you pay?
  15. Ystranc

    Bushcraft Word Association Game
