Wool Bush Shirt ...

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I think I'm number 15 but if it gets going again I'm still definately interested. I'd love one of these!!!
hi guys

i sorted out something with Kev - using my deposit as part payment for some other items. so i'm out...hope the project goes well as its a really great idea!!!
Tom, I'm getting old now, another couple of years and I will be wearing that -40 sleeping bag in the height of summer. How's the family doing mate, have you decided to get another dog yet after losing your friend earlier this year, how about another arctic trip, to buy one of the huskies, you could sleep together in the lavvu to keep warm, let's face it, it must get cold when you have 12 acres of lavvu to yourself. Lol
Apologies. have been a bit lazy in posting anything up. Welshwit is having his made - its in the final stages and due to be sent out soon. I looked at the near finished article at last week and it looked good. I hope that Welshwit will give some feedback when he gets hold of it.
Oh I will!

I start by saying that Kev at Endicotts is an absolute pleasure to deal with! Super helpful, even though he is obviously super busy! So far, its been a fantastic experience and its looking fantastic!

Updates soon!

I'm afraid I haven't been around BCUK much in awhile, being busy with work. I'm excited to see this is back up and running. I had my name changed on the board to match my name on BC-USA. I am kpmoloney, number 23 on the list. Still very interested in getting one of these made.
I only went for a string vest cause I had no room in that arctic lavvu for anything bigger after you stole half the lavvu to yourself tom, with the other 7 of us living in the 3 inches of tent that you so generously left us.....lol



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.