Nice series. A few thoughts, in random order.
* Whoever did the subtitling was not a top notch translator. There were a few places where I suspects that the person that did it was not a natice speaker of *either* language. Any comments from the local native Norwegian speaker(s). Tor Helge? Anyone else?
* The local Inuits comment on his dogs as being good if it was warm. Their winter coat was not much thicker than my malamutes summer coat. The tragic froozen penis is actually a "common" problem; a few drops of urine is left, which starts the formation of a "p*ssicle", which then conducts heat away.
* Intersting it choices, I suspect that he got various companies to sponsor him by "endorsement and testing". I wonder what gear he would have picked if he had just won the lottery?
* The problems along the Hudson bay with damp sleeping bag and parka is typical of the cold tent camping problems. No good solutions, since he was in an area with little natural fuel. In "Arctic Manual" Stefansson described the traditional equipment solution to this; a stick to beat the frost out of the fur.