Are these oils safe to put on spoons and the great whistle from jonr's tutorial. If not, what can I use.
nope. Danish and 'boiled' linseed oils have dryers that are basically very nasty heavy metal compounds
Raw linseed il (or flaxseed oil from a horse food seller) is fine though It takes an age to dry though. Proper boiled linseed oil is ok anddries quicker, but you would have to boil the raw stuff yourself and you risk blowing yourself up!
Raw linseed/flaxseed oil is fine. I have oiled two knife handles and a spoon with linseed-oil. When I used to weight train I even used to have a teaspoon of the stuff every other day, horrible stuff to take like that!
Ok maybe it wasn't heavy metals, but I did email one of the oil finish manufacturers a while back. They told me that they did add dryers and they said what it was, but I seem to have lost the email now I remember them saying that it was definately not good to eat!
True boiled linseed oil is an old and now unavailable product. I have to admit now that I was under the impression that it was simpy linseed oil that was boiled and the nasties were a modern chemical variation. I have just looked through my old books on funky recipes for handymen and discovered how to make 'boiled linseed oil' for clear varnishes and the like. It seem that to speed up the drying time and clarify linseed oil you must heat it to about 170C and then add lead oxides to it, this helps to draw out excess oxygen and speed the curing time. The best clear varnich uses white lead, but red lead is adequate!
Sorry to mislead you there, I was mistaken So I would just use raw linseed/flax oil and accept it takes an age to dry
You must be mad: The bottle has a health warning saying any contact with skin should be followed with a visit to the doctor.
Does anyone know what this "boiling" business is all about, and if I need to first boil the raw linseed oil???
So what you are all saying is that I have wasted the last 4 weeks making Kuksa,s for all the family only to poison them because I have treated the kuksa's with Refined linseed oil.
Is raw linseed oil okay?