Has spring come early (again)

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Elma, i haven't noticed any frogspawn up here yet and this weekend has been the best days this year so far and while up one of the forests yestarday i did notice alot of new shoots and other signs of life which i don't usually see this year. I still think we're due a decent snow covering and some real hard frost though this year so i wouldn't say spring was quite here. The plants will get a shock when the real frost hits them.
I've got a couple of those horrible Pisardi's Plums showing large flower buds.:..last years bulbs are poking up; saw a couple of flies around the garden and some scale insect on a Liquidamber ( I wonder if it was overwintering).

Thinking back, I was repotting my pot plants early last year, 1st week of Feb..........but later I wished I hadn't, as they seemed very slow to make progress .

Na! I think we've a long way yet.

Hope not as I haven't had a good mooch about in the snow yet!!!
Like many on here though my daffs are up!!!
Just about to order a cold weather hat so I hope we will get a bit more cold weather.
Um ... ah ... right now I'm wondering what happened to that "global warming" everybody is ranting about!

This morning I had -25, and -18 yesterday - and that's Farenheit not Celcius!

The wood stove is eating firewood like it's a new baby in the house (feed it every two hours or so)! But the kits are enjoying it - plopped out on the floor at their comfort level distance.

And they are talking about another 5 to 7 inches of snow overnight.

So where's all that "global warming"?

But I also remember the winter of '73. The month of February it was -20 (F) overnight every day of the whole month! Temps only got up to around -5 or -10 (F) during the day. That was a rough one on the farm. Lots of problems with freezing water pipes in the barn and cranky/grumpy machinery.

But the moon has been very bright overnight with all the snow everywhere. I saw the deer playing down in the valley along the creek again last night.

So goes life out here on the ... frozen tundra ... of Northeast Iowa. (and it's colder up in Canada!)

Mikey - yee ol' grumpy blacksmith out in the Hinterlands
I don't think winter's over yet. We too have got daff's poking their heads up at the moment but I think that's just because it's unusually warm at the moment.

I reckon (hope) it'll get colder again. A sudden cold spell in late February/early March with a bit of snow would be nice :cool:
Um ... ah ... right now I'm wondering what happened to that "global warming" everybody is ranting about!

This morning I had -25, and -18 yesterday - and that's Farenheit not Celcius!

The wood stove is eating firewood like it's a new baby in the house (feed it every two hours or so)! But the kits are enjoying it - plopped out on the floor at their comfort level distance.

And they are talking about another 5 to 7 inches of snow overnight.

So where's all that "global warming"?

Just because it's been cold recently doesn't mean global warming does not exist.
It was pretty warm here today, had about an hour of snow but that was it and although it was the biggest flakes I've seen for a while (1 inch and bigger), it didn't lie for long.
The gorse round this way usually only flowers twice a year spring and autum maybe. I guess it depends on where you are etc. However while walking back home on new years eve/day I noticed the gorse in full flower, mind you the hazel were in flower mid October too. Butterfly plants started to reveg in December some even trying to flower. Roses in flower in the middle of December is fairly rare too.

Thing is though, you do get warm winters every so often, so unless this becomes a steady occurance over the next 10 years or so I'm not worried. Yet. :D

no danger is winter over. right now we're getting gales and torrents of rain. over the past three weeks we've had frosts snow and sleet and nothing is growing except a few foolhardy snowdrops. this has to be the most horrible winter for about five years. the birds aren't even flying here today never mind singing. :rant: :(


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