Looking for a long back option in a smaller capacity pack

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Aug 23, 2018
Hi folks, any suggestions for packs with a decent hipbelt in the 45-55 litre capacity and okay for a long spine. Im 6'3" but longish spine. My main pack was a Bergahus Vulcan but in my 50's now I dont go out for more than 3 days at a time( and usually just 1-2) and dont need that load carrying capacity anymore.

What I have found is going back to a Berghaus Centurio 45L( older style) I have two problems. Getting all my gear into it is a squeeze but doable( all my gear is XXL size, like me) so I maybe should have gone larger in the first place. And that little belt(unpadded on this version) is more up my waist then hips. Okay I know there is no cure for that, but wondered how it goes with finding 'longer' brands in this size category? Is it a lost cause, should just accept I have to go for 70L packs etc to get the length? Thanks for any suggestions.
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Firstly at 5'8" I'm envious:(. If i were you id go 70 and be strict with yourself with the load out. If the pack hasn't enough compression straps to stop it flopping around they are cheap as chips on Ali Express
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Do you know anyone with a Lowe Alpine Sting (55-60L) to try out? I'm 6' and the back adjustment on mine has range left over. The Dutch are a tall lot after all. Belt is moderately padded.
Sierra Designs Flex Capacitor 40-60 L comes in two back sizes (S/M or M/L, fixed sizing, not adjustable). Could also try looking at the Exped Thunder 50, their back system is very adjustable.
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What's your budget? High enough then contact Aiguille Alpine In Staveley, Cumbria. They do a custom option for any of their pack models. A little old school in style but cordura and tough fabrics. I got a custom many years ago that was a cross beetween two models in design but with a custom length back for me. I am not as shorrt as the OP I am 196cm tall or 6'5" so it looks a rather long sack. I chose the type of fabric and colour. The guy took me upstairs to the room they made them in to show me fabric stocks. He did a lot of the design for me and it is a one off design that cost me £90 about 15 years ago I think.

I chose a mix of tough and lightweight fabrics with the high wear areas geetting a really tough cordura fabtric. One bent alloy stave in the back gives stability for heaavier loads weight transfer to thee hipbelt that is really just two hard padded and stiff side fins and webbig belt. It is a very light waistm belt but transfers weight very well to the hips. It is also very comfortable. The extra length turned the two day pack size of the twwo bag models it was based on into a propeer backpack. He said about 50 to 60 litres but that is irrelevant as it will go down to 35 litres worth of kit. When underloaded (as were most of my trrips) theen you fill the bagt and lay it down on the ground to make suree the load is in the whole length them I would cinch in the side compresssion straps to create a load that was tight against the back for stability and the whole load became virtually no different to a daypack load. IT carried well.

Now the custom option does cost more but their whole rrange has risen in price. If you ever looked at Atom Packs from Keswick (not the same style of sacks at all) then you would pay even more. BTW in UK UL circles Atom packs aree highly rated. The interesting thing is the people from AA actually taught the guy who set up Atom packs a lot about how to actually make rucksacks. The guy had ideas but the practical side of laying up the fabric, cutting and sewing came from his time learning from AA. That I got from an interview with the founder of Atom packs and his company in an outdoors magazine. IMHO the OP wants the AA style of sack in cordura and possibly old school style not the UL designs popular nowadays.
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Another vote for the Sting with side pockets, I think that got mentioned on another thread.

For research:
Also how about the Karrimor SF Sabre 60-100 if you are not bothered about Molle? 40 liters of air weighs nothing. PLCE compatible. they are pricey new. maybe you can find a used one or consider the Karrimor Sabre 75? again PLCE compatible.

I prefer to have a bigger bag than cramming everything in and you never know what you might pick up on the way.

I nearly went for a SF 75 but went for a AWRY Saracen which is great although huge and heavy it was very cheap.

I also have a Predator 80-130 that i don't use so much. again heavy and expensive

I seem happiest with my PLCE bergen although the hip belt is nothing and although i have tried mods i seem ok without it to be honest.

What is your budget? try and get stricter with your kit?, boil it right down and use the Berghaus if its comfortable still? How much are you carrying on average? my bag is always 15+ Kg on average.

for info:

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Thanks guys, Im leaning to the lowe alpine sting. Can anyone suggest where to get one? A couple of our disposals/outdoors stores in Australia actually have them in catalogue but all are zero stock for the forseeable future. I have bought from UK based retailers before, any suggestions as I am not turning any up on searches?

Regards my kit weight its about 17lbs excluding food/water, still in lightweight class.
Thats with the little berhaus centurio at 3lbs , if I move up to a large pack size Im probably running a 19-20lb setup (without food/water).

Budget I would call 'minimal' :) International postage will hit me hard but I will pay it to get the pack I need.
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Yes seems to be some variance in weight reports. Anywhere from 2kg to 3.5. There was another thread I found that average measurements were more in the mid 2kg's range. Any of that range is fine by me. I have set my sights on it, now just to find one
Found one here fellas. Anyone used this store before? https://www.xmilitarystore.com/en/lowe-alpine-sting

Sorry I don’t know of them but Surplus and Outdoors have a few versions. They ship worldwide. There is a 10% January sale code on the main page of their site.

If it wasn’t far bigger than the volume you need I’d suggest the LA Saracen, it carries incredibly easily, I assume using witchcraft.
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Thanks Stewy that LA airzone pack bit small too thin material in this situation mate, but nice pack.

Well Ive settled on a Lowe Alpine Sting. Just emailed endicotts in the UK as I saw they have some for sale and I saw good reviews online from this store. has anyone used them before?

From what I can gather is the early generation made by Lowe Alpine themselves have slightly heavier materials. And the Awry made versions( a Dutch military contractor) which have similar quality but slightly lighter carry weight. I'll probably go for the Awry version if I get a choice.
Sorry I don’t know of them but Surplus and Outdoors have a few versions. They ship worldwide. There is a 10% January sale code on the main page of their site.

If it wasn’t far bigger than the volume you need I’d suggest the LA Saracen, it carries incredibly easily, I assume using witchcraft.
Thanks mate, I will ask them for a shipping quote as well.

The LA Saracen wow, thats a big one. yeah Ive retired a similar monster a Berghaus Vulcan recently as dont really need that capacity anymore.
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The Lowe Alpine sting just kicked another major goal for me, you guys are legends for suggesting it. It has those side pouches( not the rocket pouches) the integral pouch like flap sewn into the lower sides of the pack. Perfect for a carbine when hunting, positioned muzzle down.
Now I just have to find a new home for an as new Berghaus Centurio 45....no one has really heard of them in Australia, very hard to sell I think


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