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The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter

Good Book . It seems you and I are reading much of the same literature currently.
I'm reading After the Ice, which is a description of early humans. It's really good, it's written for a popular audience, and is long and quite repetitive but it's also super chill.

It's non fiction but the author has this imaginary character who is time travelling between all the sites, so instead of it being 'they found some rocks and some really exciting charcoal', he imagines people running about and going about their lives based on what the evidence suggests, and it feels really familiar and sweet. Apparebtly biologically modern humans have existed for like 30,000 years which blew my mind, and so much of it totally unrecorded which is something of a spooky feeling.

It's a really nice before bedtime read, doing another few pages of hunter gatherers hanging out by a river or domesticsting grains.
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People like us have been around more like 200 thousand years, yes? Any folk out there correct me? I am no expert on Fossil Man.
That long?

I knew it was a lot longer than expected.

(And of course there is also the idea that at one period we co existed with other types of man...)
Man's ancestors, 5 million years
Homo Erectus, 2 million years
Neanderthal, around 400,00 years
Homo Sapiens, 200,000 years

We still have Neanderthal DNA - N & HS definitely inter-bred
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Not depressing at all, I'm looking forward to reading the sequel 'Fortress Sol'.

May have to give that a go.

Recent events reminds me of one of the plot points in flood or ark, where the craft looses touch with earth as the US has gone silent after a period of isolationist inward looking policies.
I followed up someone's mention of the Book of the Bivvy here - a really fun read.

He advises light, fast, uncomfy camping - he recommends against carrying a cooker and hot food or spare dry clothes, for example, instead designing adventures where these things can be done without.

He describes some especially fun bivvying routes, which I'd love to try when the weather is nicer. I like my camping comforts, thank you very much! XD

But I feel emboldened by his vision of not going out with a plan to cook, IMO its sensible given the extra weight and hassle and doubly so when camping on the sly.


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