A Rethink of Green

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Here is a fact you should consider. AI uses about 30% more energy than the normal Internet. (Which we all know uses massive amounts)That includes chat gbt.
Listening to a radio 4 digitel tech item as I type this. At 9 17am if you want to know more. You can probably find it on catch up if you want to listen. It's fascinating.

Uses an insane amount of energy and generate a lot of heat. Google’s carbon emissions have risen by about 50% in the last few years.
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Chat gb alone uses enough electricity for 130, 000 US households..per day!
Sorry have the heating engineers in checking over the heat pump system, so difficult to listen, note facts and deal with them too all at once, give it a listen. It's mad.
I worked for many years on the clean up at Glastonbury Festival. The worst area was always the Greenpeace field.
The answer to living more in harmony with the world is to use less. work less and stop thinking of self but that does not serve capitalism. I am finding ways to live with much less by studying bush craft and alternative ways and as a result I am much healthier and happier. x
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I worked on the Glastonbury festival clean up too for many years. When I first went in the early 80's the clean up was done in a week. We even picked up matchsticks. I heard from someone who still does it, it took nearly three weeks this year.
Tonns and tons of rubbish, most of witch was tents and other camping stuff.
When I first worked there, it would be the odd broken tent, now it's dozens of perfectly usable ones.
I went to sidmouth folk festival, and stayed on the alternative festival camp site. Found two brand new camp chairs a tent, two sleeping bags, and airbed in the skip after the first weekend,where a lot of people only come for the weekend and dump their stuff rather than take it home.
On the good side, at least they put it in the skip, but it boiled my blood.
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When the price of a ticket is £360 how can an item like this be valued? If you eat Festival food you will spend vastly more than the cost of this tent on feeding.
For some people it must be like throwing away the wrapping from your chips.

I’d like to meet someone who collects up the tents. Some of them will not be worth cleaning and exporting. I’d like to buy some of the carbon fibre poles of various sizes for my family’s tents and other temporary shelters.

The illustration isn’t not even a pop up tent despite its description!
I wonder how many of those pop ups are abandoned because the owners can’t fold them back up.
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Pop ups! At sidmouth someone brought a pop up loo tent, it sat there all weekend out of its bag and was never put up. I got chatting, and they said it was a waste of money, as they'd never be able to get it back in the bag, and couldn't be bothered with it.
I offfered half the purchase price and he agreed. Took it back to my area and used it to make a tiny kitchen tent. You can also see just inside the tent, one of the chairs I rescued...yes, i got the lovely woodland cammo toilet tent back in the bag just fine, i simply followed the instructions. :)20240805_133835.jpg
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View attachment 90243

When the price of a ticket is £360 how can an item like this be valued? If you eat Festival food you will spend vastly more than the cost of this tent on feeding.
For some people it must be like throwing away the wrapping from your chips.

I’d like to meet someone who collects up the tents. Some of them will not be worth cleaning and exporting. I’d like to buy some of the carbon fibre poles of various sizes for my family’s tents and other temporary shelters.

The illustration isn’t not even a pop up tent despite its description!
I wonder how many of those pop ups are abandoned because the owners can’t fold them back up.

That's a cheaper way of getting kite making material than buying it specifically for the job! :)
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It's a good thought, & it'd be important that people in those industries also had the opportunity for more free time. and it's probably right to create a norm of at least one day a week which everyone has off, so you know when your family and friends will be free.

But that could be nice? It might lead to new innovations in how we socialise. Restaurants are shut but everyone heads down the woods for a barbecue together. Structures which are less (underpaid, very stressed) service provider & customer treating them as a service dispenser, and more peer-to-peer and mutual.
Used to be called Sunday for most people
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O M G! I need blackjacks right NOW!
I just adored them, and black cat ( liquorice flavour) bubble gum.
Coca cola tastes better from glass bottles, especially without all the synthetic sweetners. (Which have been proved to be cancer causing in some cases)
I get more and more nostalgic for the ways we once were so content without constantly wanting more, bigger and (so called) better.
My brother and I as kids would spend hours playing tank obstacle courses ,with "tanks" made of cotton reels, a pencil stub, and elastic band, with various household items as obstacles on the kitchen table of a winter evening.
I made a hobby horse out of an old sock, some buttons, knitting wool and a broken bean pole. Spent hours riding my " pony " over bricks and bean poles, winning Hickstead, or Derby on every occasion...even made my own ribbon rosettes!
Poundland do a mix bag of blackjacks and fruit salads. I buy them for my team.

I’m personally happy with an 80% wrapping removal but my boss insists on 100%.
Poundland do a mix bag of blackjacks and fruit salads. I buy them for my team.

I’m personally happy with an 80% wrapping removal but my boss insists on 100%.
I've had my blackjacks, and fruit salads. Now need new teeth! :)
I'd forgotten how sweet they are, but I did enjoy them.
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View attachment 90243

When the price of a ticket is £360 how can an item like this be valued? If you eat Festival food you will spend vastly more than the cost of this tent on feeding.
For some people it must be like throwing away the wrapping from your chips.

I’d like to meet someone who collects up the tents. Some of them will not be worth cleaning and exporting. I’d like to buy some of the carbon fibre poles of various sizes for my family’s tents and other temporary shelters.

The illustration isn’t not even a pop up tent despite its description!
I wonder how many of those pop ups are abandoned because the owners can’t fold them back up.
I am the person who collects up the tents at Glastonury. They all go in the back of the bin lorry. that is after they have been slashed by security to check that there are no bodies inside (as happened). They promote themselves as an eco festival. I can tell you for a fact that of all the different bins for recycling 99%l ends up in the landfill. It is a big green painted deception. Individuals can and do reuse a tiny portion of it and I have foraged countless items which I have either kept or passed on for free, but that is a drop in the ocean.
Ps I can do pretty much anything I put my hand to except pop down a pop up tent :)
They slash tents?????
We just knocked on them, then unzipped them. If they had personal belongings in, they were left untill the end of the day, in case the owners came back on day one. After that, they were taken down and packed up into a bin liner taken to the farmhouse area, where there was a huge lost property area, and if not collected then after that, I'm not sure what happened. I do know one year the good abandoned tents, sleeping bags etc were sent to homeless charities Do they not still do that?

I can remember seeing loads of rucksacks hanging up at the lost property area, bagged myself a brand new 60 litre berghouse that year.

There is a business there for someone enterprising soul.
Seems like it'd be difficult to miss the fact there was a body in a tent when you try and pick it up, without the need to slash it!

They should implement some sort of deposit scheme, whereby you show your tent to someone on the way out and you get the deposit refunded. Every camping ticket sold comes with a £100 refundable deposit or something like that.
I love charity shop hunting and rarely buy new, unless it's the only option. All this is recycled or second hand containers and seed grown plants. It's amazing what you can do with other people's " rubbish". Note the two paving slabs left for me to go towards a path in the back garden, second hand water butt, and logs used to provide insect habitat. Even the hanging baskets are a charity shop find at a pound each.

I've just added up what I spent on this ,and it comes to just about a tenner! That includes the two tomato plants I bought for the far hanging basket, which have provided me with several pounds of ripe minni tomatoes, and 5 × 1lb jars of green tomato chutney which together would have cost me much more than that in the shop. Little or no food miles either! (Apart from the sugar and sultanas for the chutney)
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.