I have the British Army lightweight hammock stretcher.. This is brand new but the stretcher bars have been used and have a bit of sticky tape residue. This comes with a used British Army DPM Basha. £45

I have a brand new looks never to have been used British Army 45l patrol pack in MTP pattern camouflage. This is the Army issue version of the Karrimor Predator 45L. It takes the old style of PLCE side pouches. Bought it and I'm not going to use it so just looking for what I paid plus postage. £70

If looking to trade I'm interested in Polish Laavu size 3 and the Fallkniven F1/F1 Pro.

I have a brand new looks never to have been used British Army 45l patrol pack in MTP pattern camouflage. This is the Army issue version of the Karrimor Predator 45L. It takes the old style of PLCE side pouches. Bought it and I'm not going to use it so just looking for what I paid plus postage. £70

If looking to trade I'm interested in Polish Laavu size 3 and the Fallkniven F1/F1 Pro.
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