The Ultimate "What is this Fungi?" thread.

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Sorry as this is likely a daft one!
Are these both chaga?

Thanks in advance.
Wow! No photos of Chicken of the Woods! Tons about at the mo.

New foraging forum is now up and running on my website:

Not much on the forum at the time of posting this message, because it is brand new. But hopefully it will get busy when the fungi season kicks off this autumn, and I'm also going to be a guest on Radio 4's Saturday morning chatshow on June 16th (Saturday Live, starts 9am) promoting the new hardback edition of my book, and will try to plug the forum to get things properly started.
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Just checking this tree mushroom. Is it "chicken of the woods"? Photo was taken today. Does this make this bunch a leftover from last year? Would it be safe to eat? To be cheeky on here how do you cook these? :O_O:
Hi any chance I could get confirmation on these. pretty new to the fungi game.

found them today on a dead oak.

thinking chicken of the woods?

sorry about the photos couldn't see what I was taking in the sun!

has a clear liquid running from it when squeezed.

any help appreciated!



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Hi any chance I could get confirmation on these. pretty new to the fungi game.

found them today on a dead oak.

thinking chicken of the woods?

sorry about the photos couldn't see what I was taking in the sun!

has a clear liquid running from it when squeezed.

any help appreciated!



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Yep definitely chicken. Nice find
cheers for the response I have returned and gathered a small bit for dinner tonight!

i fired it with some beer and garlic. was ok, nothing to special

has anyone had any luck with chanterelles lately? I have been patrolling all the large beech woodlands close to me and found nothing yet!

I was wondering if the extreme heat and lack of rainfall have effected the fruiting of the fungi?

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I expect that your dry heat has the very same effect as it does here.

The needle-fall over the years from my 3 very big front spruce trees has destroyed what lawn grass I might have had.
The front now looks more like open forest floor than anything else. I might transplant to help that.

Anyway, a week of cool WX (say 20C or less) with days of drippy rain and the fungi pop up all over the place.
I don't pay too much attention but there must be a dozen species. Some rise up quite dramatically, overnight.
Found some bracket mushrooms on an oak tree earlier when visiting a forest. At first I was clueless as to what they were but when seeing a much older one nearby I poked it with a stick and saw it was dark red inside! My thoiught was beefsteak!

Some smaller ones..


And then I found a beast..


I felt so sure it was a beefsteak that I harvested it. Here are some shots of it cut, hopefully it shows enough detail for one of you much more experienced guys to confirm it is or isn't one.


The soft underside has been bruised when taking it home.


The freshly cut bits are pale to start, but since this photo have been in the fridge where they haev darkened like the first cut.


So.. is this beefsteak??

(i've not weaten any and have washed my hands etc as not to die from it lol)
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The first images look possible, but possibly old examples, your the cut images are not displaying? the cut should look like a nice marbled piece of steak.
Personally I was not impressed with the beefsteak I harvested this year, bit too acidic in taste for me and not a nice texture.
It is very watery but heard somepeople dry it out for a bit to firm it up. Not sure how they do this?
Right, my turn.
I know enough to identify this as some kind of Bolete, but beyond that I don't know.
The cap was about 4"/10cm in diameter. It didn't discolour on breaking.
It was found under mixed deciduous hedgerow - blackberry, alder, hazel (lots of hazel), odd young ash, and other bits and pieces - on the edge of a mature apple orchard.
If you could let me know why you think it is what it is that may help me learn something, so I'd be grateful if you could.
Anyway, the pictures...



Cheers m'dears.
Yeah, it was a bit manky.
There was already some damage to the cap. The colour of the cap was brownish. Not dark brown, though it had various shade. You can get some idea of the colour of the cap in the top picture to the right of the cap (the big scoop taken out to the left was already present damage).
And no, it did not change colour when I cut it. It was the colour it was in the picture and it stayed that colour. I thought that might make it easier to identify since a good many other Boletes change a greeny-blue colour. But this one didn't, the flesh stayed the same colour.


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