Exped Downmat 7 DLX (LW) Repair


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
From what I heard from a friend who damaged his too badly to be repaired, Exped are interested and helpful.
If it's a flaw in their manufacture then they'll repair or replace.

I think you should contact them and ask.
Let us know how you get on ?

Hi guys, my apologies for the error in a previous post about Exped being US based. I have since contacted Lyon (after figuring it out around the same time as myotis's post), and here is their response:

"Hello Mark,

Sorry to hear about the problem you have encountered with your DownMat.

As you are unable to return it to your retailer you are welcome to send it to us for inspection. The photo does indeed look like a baffle failure; we would still have to inspect the mat to ascertain the cause of the baffle failure.

Once we've carried out an inspection on it we should hopefully be able to replace it for you.

Unfortunately as you have not purchased the mat from us directly we are unable to refund your postage or offer a credit alternative.

I've attached a form your you to fill in and return along with your mat.

Kind regards,

Lyon Customer Services

T: 01539 626260
E: helpdesk@lyon.co.uk
W: www.lyon.co.uk"

So, I've filled the form in, and going to send it off today. Very fast response from them too (I emailed them 17:40 last night, and got the above response at 9am thismorning!).

I'll keep you posted on the outcome etc, but fingers crossed it should all be dealt with relatively swiftly (judging from their response times!).
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Hi Guys, yeah, I'm really sorry but I totally forgot to let you know how I got on!

Well as above I posted it off on Friday 27th Jan (1st class recorded).

I then rang them on the following Monday (30th) to confirm they had it, which they did and a very helpful chap informed me they were running approx 1 week behind due to Christmas. He told me not to worry, and that once it had been looked at, someone would be in touch one way or another.

Well, no one ever did get back to me, but on the following Wednesday (8th Feb), a brand spanker landed on my doormat :)

So all in all I'm chuffed to bits.

Overall the whole process took 9 working days (not inc weekends), and if you take out 4 of those for Royal Mail / Parcel Farce then you have a very good turnaround time!

Excellent company, with great CS.

Hope this helps some folks feel a but more reassured if anyone has any issues with their kit etc!


Jun 5, 2007
Good to hear! A fine result indeed. Good customer service is worth it's weight in gold, or perhaps latex,rubber and down.... :)


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
This is pretty much the kind of response I expected from them tbh. They have a really good reputation :D Seems it's well earned :cool:



Sep 6, 2011
I was out camping this weekend with my downmat that had been used for a total of 4 nights and when I began to pump it I suffered exactly the same type of baffle failure as you - Pretty disappointing for such an expensive piece of kit. I've still got my receipt from when I bought it so I've contacted them to see if they can arrange a warranty replacement - they are covered for 5 years so it hopefully isn't going to be a problem.


Jan 30, 2010
Three Counties
I've been looking around for a new sleepmat and this problem with the Exped downmat is not unusual if you do a little Googling. I know people rate them but it's a lot of cash to part with if it goes wrong. It's reassuring to know their customer service is ok but you need to keep hold of that sales receipt!


Feb 16, 2007
The Netherlands
Hi I had the same with a exped I had, the same problem. And only after sleeping 60 days on it. Returned it and it was replaced in Holland.
It was the exped 7 UL.


Sep 6, 2011
Fair play to the company I bought my mat from Action Outdoors - I emailed them last night and today I received a response saying that they had been in contact with Lyon Equipment who had asked that I send the faulty mat directly to them for a warranty replacement. So it looks like the customer service is decent, although it would be better if the mats didn't fail in the first place. My real problem with all of this is that I've never slept better in a tent since I get a Downmat and I don't think I could go back to other sleeping mats :p


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