recommend me a good outdoorsy film

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Dersu Uzula (1975) is an extraordinary film and recognised as a masterpeice - true story of local hunter working with army survey group in Siberia - hunter demonstrates an absolute knowledge of his environment - and some neat tricks. - can't say the trailer here does it justice

Also enjoyed the edge but like many holywood films - I find the mistakes distract me - like when they have a lovely roaring wood fire a long way above the tree line
"...Dersu Uzula (1975) is an extraordinary film and recognised as a masterpeice - true story of local hunter working with army survey group in Siberia - hunter demonstrates an absolute knowledge of his environment - and some neat tricks. - can't say the trailer here does it justice..."

Another vote for Dersu Uzula (Both versions), The Kurosawa version is a masterpiece. :)
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Also enjoyed the edge but like many holywood films - I find the mistakes distract me - like when they have a lovely roaring wood fire a long way above the tree line

Hahaha! or that Hopkins cuts all types of wood, makes spears & skins a bear & never needs to sharpen his penknife ...............or as they are wandering about in the wilderness you can see a few signs indicating footpaths or that after killing the bear, you see them wearing tanned fur coats with perfectly straight seams & 'haute couture' design .............don't remember any of the characters carrying heavy duty thread & with them either....:rolleyes:
Can anyone tell me the name of this film....

Its a kids film I think, about a family who go paddling/camping in the US and they end up getting held hostage for some reason. Whilst they travel the rest of the way down river whilst being held hostage they try to escape.

Sorry its a bit vague but that is about all I can recall of it.

Few of my favourite outdoors films:
Dances with Wolves
Crocodile Dundee
Into the Wild

There are others I like, but I have a poor memory when it comes to remembering the names of the films.

I never got into Last of the Mohichans for some reason.
Can anyone tell me the name of this film....

Its a kids film I think, about a family who go paddling/camping in the US and they end up getting held hostage for some reason. Whilst they travel the rest of the way down river whilst being held hostage they try to escape.

Sounds familiar, but there are a lot of TV films made in the USA & Canada with similar scenarios................if you could remember an actor or actress, that would narrow it down some :D
Thanks to Riks suggestion earlier, A lonely place to die, I have my evening sorted.
The scenario sounded interesting & unusual, the trailer was exciting & I found the film on Stagevu......
Another plus for a lonely place to die. Good film but the scenery is the main star.

One of the scenes shot in Glencoe is where my wife (many years ago and new to walking/climbing) stepped backwards off a path to let other walkers make their way downhill. She was wondering why I was frantically pulling her forward then realised she'd forgotten to look behind her and nearly walked off the edge overlooking a lovely steep drop into a gulley....
Thanks to Riks suggestion earlier, A lonely place to die, I have my evening sorted.
The scenario sounded interesting & unusual, the trailer was exciting & I found the film on Stagevu......

Its a good site try

Keep you going for a bit.


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