Long Evenings. What do you do?

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Full Member
Feb 13, 2016
I find that the evenings are the best time to look back and remember, there are plenty of old programmes on YT, that you may have missed, I have just enjoyed the Rumpole of the Bailey series, well acted, no profanities, very enjoyable, also the long lost Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movies, again very enjoyable, I always rate a good movie or show on the number of times you can watch it before feeling bored, also as a fan of the westerns there are plenty to look at, a time to relax forget the advances of time, and go back to a place of peace and tranquility, and best thing of all it's cheap to watch all the old shows.


Full Member
Mar 25, 2017
Oh, and I'm trying to learn Morse code
Me too.

And I revise languages, read a bit perhaps and catch up on things, or talk to my partner. If I feel like I need to be doing something but don’t have the energy to focus on something, I knit (or crochet or do nålbindning). I usually have a few knitting projects on the go, e.g. one easy mindless knitting and one that requires a bit (or a lot) of attention.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
I'm home in the evenings, the wilderness is so close to me and too cold for these old bones. Never watch TV. Lots of hobby and craft things. Needed to do a lot of rope splicing for tool box handles. Funny, I can't ever get started without Des Pawson's book to show me the first knots.
Best is wood carving with modern LED lights. They cast such hard sharp shadows, it's quite easy to see spots that need an extra nick.

It's mid October. All the best, about a dozen, of the wilderness camp sites will be occupied with 2-12 people on serious hunts. Cozy shelter for 2-6 big tents, tucked in under the edges of dense conifer forest.
I have been to a few of those sites the day after they have packed up and left. I tell you, the only thing they leave behind is bent grass. Not even a wood chip or chain saw dust. Certainly welcome visitor hunting parties to my way of thinking.
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Full Member
Jun 18, 2008
Off the beaten track
My wife does knitting usually, I’ll either put some vinyl on or read something. We leave most of our watching things until the weekend for some reason, more capacity to focus on it perhaps. Though I do spend a considerable amount of time on YouTube, but that is all seasons not just winter..

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Most of you don't have nearby mountain ranges 7,000'+ to put your home in shadow early in the afternoon and delay the sunrises. It's about an hour at each end. My house is in shadow on the solstice at 1:52PM. Gloomy & cold is understatement.
I really enjoy the wood carving, sort of gave up on the mallet and gouges style for the crooked knives and elbow & D adzes used by First Nations carvers here in the Pacific Northwest.


Jul 2, 2014
West Somerset
I listen to music, make arrows, make bows (though apparently I have “too many”), maybe do a bit of leatherwork, and occasionally make up an electronic kit bought for me as presents. Naturally that leads on to tool/knife maintenance, so some sharpening, cleaning and then treating sheaths and the like. That along with tea and biccies seems to fill up days quite well.

If the weather is really friendly, I might also go out for a bit of motorcycle exploring - we live between the Quantocks, the Blackdown hills and Exmoor, so there’s plenty of roads and lanes to try…….
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Jan 26, 2021
north wales
I have a rummage and general tidy up of kit,then attempt to make more room in the sheds,the wife does her animal portraits,and we just have a jangle,about nothing in particular.


Apr 16, 2012
The nights are getting longer.

I often find myself at a loss. I don’t carve in the dark.
A couple of hours of watching flames dance.

is it bed time? Nope it’s 7:30 pm.

Still a few hours before bedtime.

So what do you do other than stare at your phones?
Check out the history of your said device, it’ll blow most away how sad we really are?
Literally hours & hours wasted gozzing at a screen when there’s a real world out there.
I’m guilty too.
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Mar 20, 2011
Oh, and I'm trying to learn Morse code
By sound or light? I used to be handy at light signals, a slow professional speed, but never learned to do it by sound. Quite a different skill set oddly enough. Best of luck, it's fun once you get into it. Like knots, it needs regular practice to keep you sharp.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.