Windows 10


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 19, 2012
South Yorkshire
Anyone using this?
I have at the moment windows 8 which has taken some getting used to but I have a notice from Microsoft that I can upgrade to windows 10 free of charge on my laptop.

or is this a con............
Nov 29, 2004
The upgrade is free, however the OS will not be available until the end of July.

Never instal or upgrade to version 1 of anything. Wait until mid/end August until Windows 10.1 or whatever is available.

It does look like it will be an improvement on Windows 8, which won't be that hard really. :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 19, 2012
South Yorkshire
The upgrade is free, however the OS will not be available until the end of July.

Never instal or upgrade to version 1 of anything. Wait until mid/end August until Windows 10.1 or whatever is available.

It does look like it will be an improvement on Windows 8, which won't be that hard really. :)

I'll hang on then and agree windows 8 is :rant::rant::rant::rant::rant: :D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Good thing is agreeing to reserve your free copy is not a binding contract and you can change your mind at anytime, also win10 is Microsoft's final operating system with windows followed by a number in the name, after this they have said they will always keep win10 and just upgrade it when needed. Personally been using win7 for the last 3 years and i still miss XP, thankfully when i built my pc i was not suckered into jumping into win8


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
haven't checked that out yet.

For those wanting to remove the icon from your taskbar, click the little arrow to the left of the left most icon on the bar (when you hover on arrow a title shows saying show hidden icons), when the box pops open showing other icons click customise, now you get a box showing all your taskbar icons, windows 10 should be top, next to each icon you've got a drop down menu box next to each and in that you have 3 options of how and when to show each icon on the taskbar, if you select Only show notifications next to each icon they will only appear on the taskbar when they have new stuff about themselves to tell you, once you have chosen your preference for each icon click okay to save changes, now icons only show on the taskbar if they have something new to say


Mar 7, 2014
Somerset, England
The beta of W10 that I've seen is a huge improvement over W8. I stuck with W7 but because I do testing and quality assurance for software I had to find my way around W8 and hated it so much that I swore I would go to Linux if I had to for my own use.

You're not committing yourself to anything by reserving a copy of W10 so yo might as well do it.


Jun 5, 2014
I have not received an offer on the win10 upgrade, can I apply for it, I'm running windows 8 on a 2 months old purchase.

I understand automatic updates cannot be stopped on the free version, I like to have control over updates and this may deter me from free upgrade version, though I cannot see a need for Win 10 pro (that you pay for) or whatever other versions that allow control over updates.

Win 10 free upgrade has no media player or basic games, both of these were excluded from my win 8 version anyway, and I could not have cared less.

As for win 8, I find it rather good, liked xp, vista - very no-no, win 7 - no.
Nov 21, 2014
Ontario, Canada
I upgraded to Win10 and so far it's OK. However, I'm in IT and don't mind doing beta-testing. Some of the programs I had on my machine (when running Win8.1) are no longer working or have been uninstalled/reinstalled. There have been some good improvements, some useless features removed, and some added. At least the "Start Menu" is back in some form. it is taking a while to get used to it, but I do like it. I grabbed it because from what I understand, the Win10 free upgrade must be used before they start to sell it, or you will have to pay.

In the Home Version of Win10, the updates are automatic, yes. Free or paid. It is the Enterprise and other versions that you can "defer" the install of updates.

I agree with Canmere that I would rather go with Linux, and I did for years, but I got a new machine and stuck with Windows for a while. I will probably dual-boot or create another Virtual Machine to run Linux if I decide I'm missing my fix.


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