For a while now I have been toying with the idea of getting a larger blade for minimal/summer camps- when I'm trying to get by with as few tools as possible, or when I need little firewood and there is a lot of ground vegetation which needs to be cleared. After looking at various styles I have decided on a kukri-they seem very versatile and just the sort of tool I want, and none of the other styles really "do it for me" quite like the kukri. I am on a budget, and since the postage for a nice kukri from nepal is rather steep, I want as much bang for my buck as possible. I really like the look of this one-not to heavy with a relatively short blade for a kukri, but robust and with a nice sort of classic look to it
What do you think of it? Does anyone happen to own one that they can comment on? Are there better options for a similar price? Thanks
What do you think of it? Does anyone happen to own one that they can comment on? Are there better options for a similar price? Thanks