When to introduce children to blades


Jul 24, 2014
I want my daughters to have a well rounded upbringing. My eldest knows knives are dangerous but I want to show her how they can be used as tools.

What age would you say is a good age to start with knives, blades, axes etc and safety when using said equipment?


If Carlsberg made grumpy people...
Jul 29, 2014
Well I was 9 when I was allowed to keep a knife and presumably was introduced to using it prior to that. It was actually a pruning knife with a hooked end and was pretty blunt from what I recall. I used to make bows and arrows from hazel. When I was 12 I got a proper opinel no. 8.
I also recall taking my first knife, bow and arrows to primary school. Probably not advisable!


Mar 7, 2014
Somerset, England
When they are sufficiently dextrous to handle the tool properly although probably older before they are allowed to carry their own knives and use them unsupervised. My friend's kids were using all sorts of tools under supervision by the time they were about 7 or 8 and both got their own pocket knives when they were 10. That was the same age my Dad gave me my first proper knife too although I'd been helping him in his workshop for some years before that.
Nov 29, 2004
I gave my daughter a pair of scissors at three, obviously they weren't pointy ones, when she is sufficiently dextrous with those and treats them with the respect a tool deserves (walks around with and stores them properly) then I will think about moving onto a pocket knife of some sort. However as we may be moving to a place with a lot of growing land shortly I may need to accelerate the process and maybe introduce her to garden secateurs first. :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
I've found getting kids to help with dinner preparation helps alot, get them peeling potatoes, chopping carrots and dicing neaps. Gives them dexterity and strengthens hands/fingers/ wrists when holding a knife.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2004

I think it depends on the child, my oldest got his first knife (the opinel one with the rounded nose) when he was 4 years old but it was "issued" to him to use when we were in the woods and then put back into Daddy's "stores", that way he only had it under my direct supervision. For his 5th birthday/Christmas (they are very close together) he got the Bear Grylls penknife, fire steel and head torch, with the same rules applied for issuing it in and out. He's very sensible with his knife and see's it as a tool and not a weapon like he does his legoland toy swords etc.
My youngest is not 4 until march but his different to his brother and I don't think he'll be ready to use one before he's 5 or even 6 maybe as he just isn't as responsible.

I have seen kids as young as 3 using large machetes to open coconuts etc while I was out in Siera Leon with the Army and they were managing not to hurt themselves.

As I say I think it depends on the child and only the parent will know when they are ready.

I gave my oldest an old, fairly blunt and snapped hacksaw blade with black insulation tape for a handle to "play with" in the garden when he was about 3 years old or just before. This worked well as he got used to using it but couldn't really do himself any damage unless he sawed and sawed at himself and frankly he's not that daft lol

Hope that helps :)


Bam. :)


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I've found getting kids to help with dinner preparation helps alot, get them peeling potatoes, chopping carrots and dicing neaps. Gives them dexterity and strengthens hands/fingers/ wrists when holding a knife.

Plus 1 to this. Also helping with whatever other cutting chores are to be done: cutting fishing line or bait, cutting open boxes and packages, etc.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I honestly don't know when I started using a knife without supervision. I can't remember a time when I wasn't allowed to get one from the kitchen drawer for whatever I needed to cut; probably the same time I started using a fork and spoon? I do remember getting my own pocketknife (although I don't think it was my first) when I was 8. It was one of these


From then on I have always some manner of pocketknife and I got my first fixed blade (a Queen Cutlery hunter with a 6 inch blade) when I was about 9 or 10.

The Cub Scouts presented my grandson with his first pocketknife when he was about 8 and I gave him his first lockblade when he was about 11.
Depends on the kid....one is skilled with their hands at the age of 6, an other at the age of 8.

my niece and nephew have their won knives, some I made for them, but also a SAK and an Opinel. With a point. I am not a fan of those rounded child knives....didnt have them in my time and I came out ok. Good lessons and guidance is important when they start with their new toys, offcourse.

gr. Jan


Full Member
May 23, 2014
Like others have said, it depends entirely on the child in question

Although it is definitely a lot earlier on average than i'd guess the average school run mum would tell you.
I was six when I got my first penknife that I was allowed to keep


May 24, 2008
My son got his first proper bushcraft knife at age 8 ( A good old Mora )and by 10 was teaching adults how to sharpen knives of all types , he knew from day one it was a tool to be used sensibly not a weapon

he has used an axe a couple of times under very strict supervision as they have the potential imo to be even more dangerous


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.