What to make, what to make

So I have a nice little collection of material for crafts now gathered or given to me over this winter, problem is now I dont know where to start. What do you reckon I should make out of this lot....

A big bundle of Willow (cant wait to get stuck into weaving)
Some big chunks of lime trunk (pretty seasoned though)
Some green Rowan (someone gave me it thinking it was ash and that i could use it for a bow, it didnt split right and is now in lumps)
Some chunks of Fir
Some birch branches

Any creative ideas for me folks?


Full Member
Thaks for the ideas Pete, definately going to have a go at the tension trays.
I really want to start working with birch bark but this bark is all a bit well dead so I was thinking maybe making some pitch?

Never made pitch from Birch before could be interesting, did make a small container from very old bark though found that if I warmed it then rolled it twice to double the thickness it worked OK.

You've probably found this but here's a link to John R's web site , he certainly knows his stuff and the site might give you a few more ideas too.



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