Water catcher mk1.


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Having read the thread http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21899 I thought 'I need a free-standing Wayland/Stuart jobbie' and this is what I came up with: 1stainless steel cocktail shaker plus 1 small ramekin with a load of holes drilled in it. To use 1) disassemble the shaker, 2) place the ramekin in the base, 3) place the inverted top on the ramekin and 4) wait for it to rain. Althyough I started to drill the holes in the ramekin with a finger drill it wasn't very long before I borrowed a Dremmel - much faster! The shaker now serves several purposes - if I'm not collecting water in it then it's got kit in, it collects water (obviously :11doh: ) and because its steel I can boil water in it. Not only does the ramekin fit in the top of the base, when packed away the base sits in the ramekin.


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