Warning For Those With Kids


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Works well doesn't it so no problem the? No Maths teacher allegedly absconding with an under-age girl then and I am sure there is never a problem in the States either.

Could you translate this? I've no idea what you're trying to say.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Could you translate this? I've no idea what you're trying to say.
Many organisations seem to have problems of innapropriate relations between adults and children despite all the child protection arrangements, in any country you want to check out this seems to so. And, in the UK there is a big hunt going on for a fifteen year-old schoolgirl and a teacher of mathematics from her school across Europe.

My initial sentence was a way of saying that these arrangements do not always work in an ironic way.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Many organisations seem to have problems of innapropriate relations between adults and children despite all the child protection arrangements, in any country you want to check out this seems to so. And, in the UK there is a big hunt going on for a fifteen year-old schoolgirl and a teacher of mathematics from her school across Europe.

My initial sentence was a way of saying that these arrangements do not always work in an ironic way.

Thanks for clearing that up. The policies have helped greatly but don't always work; hence the current emphais on teaching your kids what is or is not appropriate and seeking assistance. Likewise traing for those who will be sought (other teachers, faculty, police, etc.) on what's required of them.


Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
If you are a parent in the modern world and you are not vigilant of yours kids on-line activity then it's a pretty poor state of parenting.

There have always been risks for kids, and these risks change through the generations.
It's the responsibility of a parent to reduce these risks as much as possible and to make the kids aware of the risks so eventually they can look out for themselves.

That being said i personally believe that obesity is a far greater risk for most kids these days than a criminal gang grooming your kids for prostitution.
Still obesity doesn't really sing out as a headline or sell papers as much as this sort of sensationalism.

Personally i monitor the kids on-line activity.
We work on a trust policy of them telling me what sites they use, their passwords for any messaging formats and we have an agreement that i allow it but they know i can and will check at any time.

They are aware of the risks and in my opinion are healthily suspicious but not paranoid or crippled by fear.
Obviously others kids would react differently, so it's simply a case of tailoring your teaching to different kids, threats and ages.
Of course warnings of various things might do some good in the general media but if you cannot see that there is a difference between that and someone selecting a fashionable hazard to warn people about on this forum. Selection from many other possible dangers of something which is in the news every day seems pointless as who would not be aware?

Remember to check that your child is always in a group when with a priest or a youth leader and that they spend no time alone with them. Or is this unnecessary advice? A calumny on decent organisations or something you are all aware of? Better not get on to the dangers that siblings and uncles might pose.

Or should we leave such discussions to the columns of the Daily Mail, Mumsnet forum and similar?

if you can come up with a reseached and linked warning like Santaman then by all means post a warning,
Santaman's has been posted int he appropriate section of the forum-other chatter

It never hurts to have a timely reminder about dangers we have threads on here about dehydration/heat stroke in summer and various ones about hypothermia in winter whilst not specifically bushcraft in its nature a reminder about other hazards is useful and shouldn't be dealt in a light hearted manner

As a step father of a nearly ten yr old i think Santaman's warning is very useful and alerted me to something i personally wasn't very aware of.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
it is a fact of life however that there is always a newer, younger, or less experienced audience that hasn't gotten the memo yet. Some things just bear repeating. If you've seen it already, just skip over it.

I'll go along with that :)

I have seen it already, but I still read it again, and probably will again in the future [I've got a terrible memory] :)


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
CHILDREN shouldn't be on face book,parents should be monitoring what their children are doing,and instilling morals into their children instead of saying its someones elses job ,parents need to realize that their girls cant wear what they want and need to be dressing modestly,if you let your 13 year old dress like a tart chances are someones going to try it on,if you let a boy listen to rap music and dress as a hoodie with his trousers round his ankles emulating a gang culture he maywell aspire to be one,no gang members get recruited that dont want to be (i speak as a former gang member) simple as that.
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May 12, 2004
CHILDREN shouldn't be on face book,parents should be monitoring what their children are doing,and instilling morals into their children instead of saying its someones elses job ,parents need to realize that their girls cant wear what they want and need to be dressing modestly,if you let your 13 year old dress like a tart chances are someones going to try it on,if you let a boy listen to rap music and dress as a hoodie with his trousers round his ankles emulating a gang culture he maywell aspire to be one,no gang members get recruited that dont want to be (i speak as a former gang member) simple as that.

Perhaps a Burka?
Feb 15, 2011
Remember to check that your child is always in a group when with a priest or a youth leader and that they spend no time alone with them.

Despite the fact that the media tries to persuade us that there is a pedophile on every street corner, kids have a far greater chance of coming into contact with them on the net than in real life. Not every member of the clergy or youth leader is a potential child molester either as you are infering.

According to your logic, we shouldn't warn kids about such things as protective sex for example as aids is just another 'danger ' in life.

Warnings do work, if we hadn't been warned about the dangers of BPA & electro magnetic micro waves we'd all still be eating canned food & using cell phones ;)
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Nov 21, 2009
long Eaton
Oh dear! Warnings about germ laden onions and maniacs on Facebook. What next, reproductions of chain letters started by GIs in a trench in Korea/Vietnam/Afghanistan or solemn statements that it might not be wise to try and get your illicit share of a deceased foreigner's fortune left in a Nigerian bank?

Can we not take it as a given that there are hazards associated with the wonderful world of the web and get on with business?

Sad and horrific as many things are they are not relevant. I mean, what would the mods say if I warned about the dangers of letting your children associate with clergy and leaders of groups within organisations for young people? Seems just as much chance of something going wrong there as with Internet communication going on past evidence.

HMMM Don't forget that statistics show that most abuse is caused by parents or close relatives


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
.....no gang members get recruited that dont want to be (i speak as a former gang member) simple as that.

At least not here or in the UK.....YET. I wish I could link the article on the MS13 murders in El Salvador. There were 4 youths killed for refusing to join. I hope that level doesn't spread but TBH I'm not particularly convinced it won't.

Google MS 13 killings for refusal and you'll find it.


Apr 5, 2011
There is this going on as well, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-19757460.
There may not be any new threats to our children, but there are a lot of new ways for old threats to emerge. CRB checks help keep those sorts of people away from areas, youth groups and activities surrounding children, but only once they have been caught. I like to think that I am quite "tech savvy" but the internet and phone apps evolve so quickly that its hard to keep up to date with the latest trend.
I also think that its very easy to become complacent when you don't understand something fully, there are programs out there to stop or reduce what your child sees on the net, but a lot of the time the kids know more about computers than the parents. If all santaman's initial post has done is prompted one person to check their childs history/phone or ask a few more questions about where they are going that 'may' of stopped them being lured/traffic ed/abused then it has done what it was intended to do.

Sent from my MZ601 using Tapatalk 2


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
At least not here or in the UK.....YET. I wish I could link the article on the MS13 murders in El Salvador. There were 4 youths killed for refusing to join. I hope that level doesn't spread but TBH I'm not particularly convinced it won't.

Google MS 13 killings for refusal and you'll find it.

saw wars between gangs and over gangs not dropping their colours to merge into a bigger gang.


Nov 30, 2011
Cahulawassee River, Kent
The internet indeed has a dark side that just really disturbs me to be honest. I think hearing about the videos the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs put up that are circulating around the internet, uncontrolled, disturbed me of all the nasty things out there. The internet is indeed a difficult thing to Police.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
saw wars between gangs and over gangs not dropping their colours to merge into a bigger gang.

May be harder to find than I thought. it was online over here. I still cain't link it but here's an exerpt:

"[h=1]El Salvador Gang Truce Less Certain after Killings[/h]Published September 09, 2012
| Fox News Latino

LAS COLINAS, El Salvador – The government of El Salvador has brokered a historic truce with the country's violent gangs, but recent killings are raising questions about whether it actually works.
Schoolboys went missing on a Thursday, and it took nearly three weeks for police to discover the mass grave.
On July 11, a police investigator, wearing a ski mask to hide his identity, dug up the dead, the youngest 15. One of the mothers stood weeping as the corpses were pulled out, along with curious traces of food and silverware.
Gen. David Munguia Payes, El Salvador's minister of justice and security, said the killings were the work of the Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, one of two notorious Salvadoran gangs that regularly visited schoolyards to recruit kids — often by force. The police investigator pointed at the buried remnants of a meal. The MS-13 recruiter, he said, had probably tried to persuade the youths to join the group using the usual method: a big meal with cake and soft drinks.
When they resisted, he said, they were stabbed to death...."


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