Walk with funghi

Seeing as I have the week off work went for a daunder yesterday to a very small piece of wood near me. Unfortunately its next to a main road so no go for staying there. Going to check a wood up on one of the nearby hills this week which looks promising and not all a coniferous plantation either.

The main reason for going round to this wood was to take some photos of the funghi growing there but unfortunately I only found two types as far as I can tell. The second I cannot ID.

Came back with a nice bag ful of birch bark though. :)

Passing the Ben on the way.

IMG_9192 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

This is the tree with all the Birch Polypore on it, some of these are pretty big.

IMG_9213 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

IMG_9195 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

IMG_9197 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

Im guessing the shrivelled up things are dead polypore?

IMG_9196 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

IMG_9199 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

Not sure on this one.....

IMG_9204 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

IMG_9205 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

Anyone know who this head may belong to? There were bones scattered nearby and seemed like a small animal. Young deer perhaps?

IMG_9209 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

Caught the sun going down on the way back.

IMG_9215 by pandabean2010, on Flickr
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