Vintage Film Camera Half-Case


New Member
Apr 25, 2013
Long Beach, CA
New member here and actually came across this thread while researching how to make my own vintage film camera half-case. It appears most of these cases are either made overseas and generally pricey. So I thought I would look into making one myself. Here are a couple images of the sort of half-case I want to make (note that I do not want to follow them specifically, they are just to give an idea of the structure) ...



I've never worked with leather before (much less sewn before), so please excuse my ignorance. Although I do love to tinker and don't mind rolling up my sleeves and going through some (read: a lot of) trial and error. Cost is a consideration though so I want to do all stitching by hand and keep new tool purchases to a minimum (in terms of total cost).

I plan to head over to Michaels (local large arts and crafts chain store) and pick up some materials later today. The items on my grocery list so far are followed by comments or questions:

1) leather
Not sure what type or thickness but was just going to go with my gut. I expect to go through quite a bit of leather waste my first time around.

2) groove tool
I've seen stitching done without this but the groove really makes it clean looking.

3) hole tool
Is the wheel better? What about when I get to rounded corners? Maybe get the wheel and the single hole tool?

4) bevel tool
Again, I've seen DIYs out there that do not bevel the edge but that seems to make it very clean.

5) 2 leather sewing needles (+thimbles)
Two since it seems the saddle stitching seems like a good method for my application.

6) waxed thread
I've read beeswax on normal thread will do as well. Can I just smear that beeswax lip balm onto regular thread or will that not cut it? Or is there special leather thread?

That's all I've got so far.

How I plan to proceed is to first use heavy stock manila folders to trace panels from my camera. The paper will allow me to experiment a bit with the panels and cuts I make. From this I suspect I will have two templates. One will be the base of the camera and the other will wrap around the camera. Sewing these two pieces together (the bottom base and the top wraparound piece) is what worries me. I do not know what type of stitch to use. Also the stitching around the wraparound panel that I see on most cases, is that just for decoration or is there a purpose there?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.