It seems my family history has me at risk from barbary pirates in one generation and potentially pillaging England in another. Then again in another we were in Celtic or brythonic areas.
Hold on, were the modern swedish descended from viking too? I once read something I think that made me question where Vikings really came from. Were they from across Scandinavia? Danish, Norwegian, swedish and Finnish are from the Vikings? As in the original before everyone generally got involved. I should really Google it.
I only ask because I've traced my American ancestry back to a sailing from Gothenburg about 3 or 4 generations back. I assume they came from near gothenburg but if that city was the only jumping off point for migrating to America back then they could have been from anywhere. If their ancestors were Vikings it would be interesting to know. It is our familys third largest genetic marker after English/ Welsh and Scots / Irish. Possibly bigger than the Scots/ Irish tbh.
Sorry, I digress.