Very surprising

mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
About 5 or 6 months ago I made a cleaving brake from 3 posts driven into the ground, and connected by 2 nailed on horizontals. The posts were 3 inch diameter hazel which I sharpened and drove in about 12 inches with a maul. Well any way yesterday I noticed something very unexpected. All 3 posts have literally taken root and new growth shoots have apperaed. I knew hazel could be made to root by bending a pole down, holding it to the ground with a peg and covering with earth and leaf mould. And I know that willow will root itself very readily from a branch stuck in the ground (even if the branch was planted "up side down") But I had no idea you could plant a cut hazel pole and get new growth. They have grown about 3 or 4 inches in the 2 days I noticed them. I am not knowledgable about how trees grow-is it possible the posts havent rooted and its just growth from sap that was in them when the pole's were cut??? And any way, I dont know if my posts were put in "right way up" for growing :lmao:
I'll try to post a picture tomorrow
cheers Jonathan :)

PS its worth mentioning the area of ground was sown with grass seed last year, the soil was rotervated, manured, sharp sand added. It is also well darined

Here is some photos to show what has heppened, has any one else seen this?? There was definateley no shoots when the posts were put in and they were cut right at the end of the season last winter a few weeks before the sap strted to rise this season. It might be an easy way to create a new coppice :lmao: if you used thinner poles maybe?


The biggest shoot is now about 6 inches tall :eek: :)


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