Sold Unused gear clear-out 3

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Full Member
Mar 21, 2006
N. Wales
Few more bits here guys. As with my other clear-out sales, reducing weight plus gear that's just left doing nowt and gathering dust.
It's surprising how much one collects over the years.

Trangia UL 27 stove.
Stood the test of time these, for good reason! ..... They just work and work well.
Light, quite tough and damned reliable, they just take up a little more space in your pack.

Hard anodised Frying pan and pans, burner, screw to and adjustable simmer top, pot handler, strap to keep it all nested. All works beautifully.
I'll give it a proper clean before posting out, should've done that before photographing I suppose, durr!

30 quid posted.


CRKT Woods Chogan T-Hawk.

I used the hammer end to smash a wardrobe apart because its all i could find at the time, other than that its not been used, never been outside. .... The head has not been seated, still free so you can see it's not been used in anger! ... Quite a nice handle on this one.
Bought it on a whim! ......... I do that less these days, thankfully!

Bargain for someone, 35 quid posted.

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A Knife I made.
I do make the odd knife or two. .. This one has a Poul Strande blade, 3 layer laminated HC steel, an antler handle with corrian bolster and camel bone cap, black fibre spacers. He makes a very nice blade indeed, I've made and sold several of his in the past.

Now the blade will look a bit strange. I made this for myself and with smaller blades like this I put a thumb notch just after the bolster. I find it allows for very fine control, just a personal thing.
It will no doubt put some off. The antler porous inner has been well stabilised with resin and will give you no problems. I've not had a handle fail yet!
Handle fills your hand nicely, it is a very comfortable knife to use in all grips.

Blade 67mm
Handle 110mm

I'm no leather worker but it will last and holds the knife snugly/firmly, no way will it jump out.
The belt attachment is not pretty, I'm not so bothered with aesthetics for myself, it is held with velcro for easy fit and removal. I've not had it come off. ....

I will of course sort the bevel edge on my stones before posting out, it'll be sharp and quite polished when I'm done.

It's a lovely little knife guys, even though I say so myself, a joy to use.
Only reason I'm selling this is because I've made myself another, the final one for me, all future knives will be sold. I'll pop in a pic under these.

50 quid posted.

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Last one for my self. (This one is NOT for sale) .... Yrjo Puronvarsi blade, Fossilised mammoth tooth bolster, Bocote, brass and black fibre spacers, fossilised something butt cap, (mammoth dung maybe ha ha) I think its bone or horn can't remember.
I like his blades, wickedly sharp, makes the finest feather sticks I've ever made. Holds it pretty good edge too, not as stable as a traditional scandi but I carry my Khukuri for the harder work. I've got three other blades of his, one Leuku that's a beaut.
Sheath, well I'm no leather worker but I'm getting better, this one sort of evolved.


As I said that ones not for sale!

Clear out 4 tomorrow. :)
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Ok you tight lot :), 25 quid for the antler knife. I know it looks funky but is a good little knife!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.