UK Hammocks Hennessy Zip Conversion - Mini Review


Oct 29, 2007
Milton Keynes
Last year the velcro in the bottom opening of my Hammock split along a line of stitching and I ended up with a tear that ran a short distance. After seeing the review of UK Hammocks I spoke to Mat about having my Explorer Deluxe converted to side zip and the damage repaired.

Having agreed a price and when I needed the hammock back I sent it off to UK Hammocks with an estimated 10 day turnaround. I was somewhat surprised to return from Rough Close that weekend to find the returned article. When I checked my email there was also a message from Mat to say that he had found a small tear and patched it.

The zip modification.

I am not sure if UK Hammocks open the original seam that joins the hammock bed to the mozzie net or whether they cut the net adjacent to the binding [The new video says they open the seam and also have some extra options now]. A long zipper is then sewn between the bed and net.

I had asked for a three quarter zip which runs from head down the full length of the left (as you lie), around the foot and up to the tie out on the right. This allows the net to be completely rolled back attached by the remaining half side which has ribbon ties to hold the netting along the hammock edge.

At the foot end to get a curve suitable for the zipper a ripstop triangular piece is inserted. The head end had a similar cover making the hammock look symmetrical.

The zipper is a lightweight YKK unit that runs smoothly, better than DD Frontline zips for example, but I would suggest adding some visible extended pullers - some tasteful neon green decored paracord on mine!

The bad news
Above was the good bit, and even Mat said later, the workmanship was pretty poor. Don't know what happened but I wish they had waited until after the weekend and looked at it again.

Although the damage had been repaired the over patches we had agreed on had been forgotten. Also the patch on the hammock edge was rather shoddy and already showed signs of pulling at the badly finished edges. Then when looking at the triangles there was an errant line of stich holes across them that I think may have been reused offcuts.

On speaking to Mat he immediately wanted it back to rectify and offered some compensation. I know it sounds obvious but it was not compensation I wanted it was for it to have been right first time as my original departure date was approaching. However we did agree that if I put my group buy amsteel in the parcel he would splice me some whoopies - using 1/8 would not de-rate from the Hennessy load spec whereas 7/64 does so I did not want stock ones.

Part 2

About a week later the hammock returned again and this time it looked much better, more like what I had expected first time around.

The repairs were neatly covered with grosgrain tape, new whoopies fitted and it looked fit to use. I have now spent about half a dozen nights it in over the last 2 weeks.

[Images to follow] :thinkerg:

Well I was going to take some photos but Mat has updated his page with a video that probably explains how it works better. There are also more options now and it is all specified so things have moved on. view ukhammocks video


I really like the side zip, possibly it is more vulnerable to insect incursion but when combined with the better suspension I get with the amsteel the heights etc are just working better. I still have a couple of minor niggles but neither of them are really deal breakers.

  • The side patch is now too close to the zipper, it runs fine when the hammock is pitched and under any tension but when loose the zipper catches and will not run past. This however is unique to my hammock.
  • When being reworked both triangles were removed but only one replaced so you dont have the symmetry but also the head triangle covered the end of the zipper where there is a gap in the net. Sometime soon I will hand sew the ends together. I dont know if this just got forgotten or what.

Would I recommend the modification to others?

I love my Hennessy, the size, the lie and the comfort but it was unusable without the repair. The zip conversion has made it better for me. But would it for you? If it does not suit you it is not exactly a cheap hammock to have just ruined!

I elected not to have the bottom opening de-velcroed but just sewn shut so that it could be re-opened at a later date if required.

Would I recommend UK Hammocks?

This is a difficult one. Mat seems like a really nice, genuine guy. All the reviews by other people have been good, and I spoke to some people by PM before committing - and promised to post a review, but they have been for his own kit and may be this is significant?

My experience was not good but the alternatives were in the US. I would say do your research, make sure you now exactly what is going to be done and write it down and get the costs clear and check them against their own website!
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Dec 15, 2005
It's a shame it didn't quite go as planned but it sounds like you've highlighted a break down in communication somewhere which might have been avoidable.

Good to hear it got sorted though and they came good at the end.

If it had been a total disaster then that would have been a good excuse to get rid of the Hennessy junk and get something decent like a Blackbird :) (joke btw)
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Oct 29, 2007
Milton Keynes
If it had been a total disaster then that would have been a good excuse to get rid of the Hennessy junk and get something decent like a Blackbird :) (joke btw)

When I see a new one for £70 I might ..... I think someone in Blacks got the price wrong on my HH Explorer plus I got Scout Leader discount on top!


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