Snow is perfect to learn! I started in the snow and got quite a bit better within a relatively short period of time. Spent weeks with a print book looking at tracks in the snow. Would consider myself a novice at best. Once the snow melted I found long grass usefull as you could judge what animal by its gait through the grass as well as the height of disturbance. I surprised myself, as well as some unsuspecting animals, a number of times. My books were German so cant advise on English books, would like to find some myself.
Get out into the snow! Take a camera(photos). A compass or ruler(scale).
Follow tracks, paying attention to where the animal is going and why! E.g. Food, shelter, lady animal
You may find the tracks end. House found? You then should know the general pattern of movement, behavior and food sought by a particular animal. You would also know the habitat range and be able to pop along at your discretion with a big lens and confirm your track id!
Looking along the same routes without snow will reveal smaller, but not unimportant, signs of the animal/s. Once you know the tell tale signs for particular animals you can transfer the knowledge to different locations.
Get that far and ur well on ur way.
I think!
Anyway bushcraftsman, hope that helps, a little at least.