Tiny (2mm) shallow cut to my pinky on the local shoots gamecart today (pheasant blood and faeces!)- around 0900, I washed it ASAP but by 1300 it was feeling warm and tingly. Applied Cetrimide. Hand was sore to the touch by 1600. Walked the dogs, got firewood in - any contact was very painful. Slight black swelling below the cut. Steeped the finger in v.hot saline. Numbness in fingertips and sore joints in hand. 1800 went on NHS direct with symptoms - it said get to AE ASAP. Spent 2 hours in Lancaster AE - luckily before the addicts and yoofs arrived. Nearly sick with pain straightening out hand for x-ray. Charming east european doctor cleaned it out - more excrutiating pain! Discharged with course of high strength antibiotics with numerous side effects (black hairy tongue!!). Still in lots of pain and all plans for the weekend are scrapped - not sure if I'll get much sleep tonight!!
What should have I done? I'll definitely be carrying some sort of iodine or povadine with me from now on!
What should have I done? I'll definitely be carrying some sort of iodine or povadine with me from now on!