Whoohoo we have incandescence 

Big thanks to Sam Winston down at the allotments who had two Tilley mantles that have been gathering dust for a decade and the pearl of caravanning wisdom that dental floss works wonders as a thread sealant if you have lost the clamp O-ring for the pump.
No idea how old it is or when it was last (if ever) serviced but the beast runs! The label on the bottom has long since peeled away and apart from the "Tilley - made in England" stamp on the tank cannot see any other markings.
Currently using just regular 'Pre-Pac' paraffin but I have come across references to something called the Amish mix of kerosene/paraffin with 30% Coleman fuel. Supposed to reduce soot build up in the vaporiser tube and give longer mantle life, anybody tried it?

Big thanks to Sam Winston down at the allotments who had two Tilley mantles that have been gathering dust for a decade and the pearl of caravanning wisdom that dental floss works wonders as a thread sealant if you have lost the clamp O-ring for the pump.
No idea how old it is or when it was last (if ever) serviced but the beast runs! The label on the bottom has long since peeled away and apart from the "Tilley - made in England" stamp on the tank cannot see any other markings.
Currently using just regular 'Pre-Pac' paraffin but I have come across references to something called the Amish mix of kerosene/paraffin with 30% Coleman fuel. Supposed to reduce soot build up in the vaporiser tube and give longer mantle life, anybody tried it?