1. How do you pronounce 'Mora'? I've heard 'Moora' is correct. Is this right?
2. You're in the woods in Scotland. It's been raining for a week, nearly non-stop. It's still raining. Will the bow drill method of fire-lighting work? I only ask because I find this technique a bit marginal, and don't know whether this is down to my inexperience or limitations of the technique.
3. I've spent many a (reasonably) dry night under a British army poncho/basha. Is the Australian hoochie really significantly better?
Answers to any and all appreciated.
2. You're in the woods in Scotland. It's been raining for a week, nearly non-stop. It's still raining. Will the bow drill method of fire-lighting work? I only ask because I find this technique a bit marginal, and don't know whether this is down to my inexperience or limitations of the technique.
3. I've spent many a (reasonably) dry night under a British army poncho/basha. Is the Australian hoochie really significantly better?
Answers to any and all appreciated.